Page 397 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 397

'!'ravelling Fost orfices.
             ~'l'.P.o. •

"Birmingham" 'r,y·pe :S 1 dater shuck in black ink, 2.7mm itt

dia~e.ier, reading "T.P.o." a.t the. i:op a'rld "J'AMAfCA'' at

the. bottom. This rltarl<ing differs from ihe lat.e-r one,
the lettering o:£' "'L'.P.O." being narrowel". ~nm, but the

bars are longer, 17mn.                LKDt

EKP: .3/ (tz/J<q s 9    .,


                                            VIA AIR MAIL

Cover bearing "T.P.O." dater of the 31st December, 1958,

addre ssecl to Chicai;o, U. s .A. The re. are nto other markings

on the. cover.
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