Page 398 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 398

~ravellittg ~ost Offices.

          - T.1'. 0. "

"Bitrningham" Type B 1 daier struck in blac): ink, 2'1mm in

diallJe-ber, reading •T."P.O." at ~he top and 11:JAHA1C.A" at

the bottom. This dater was in use on tne -train jro~

Ki n~ston t.o J'orus. "T.P.O." 7mm, bars l6111rn long.

EKl>:  •                  LKD:

          POST CARD



                     % / ·o-.t5t:J;r- 41~~


!'os-tal statione-ry H~ card bea:r-irtg "T.P.O." of the 9th

Apdl, 1965, addressed to l<ingston, so probably applied

on ihe Porus io Kincston journey.
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