Page 400 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 400

Travelling ~ost Office.

                      "T."P.O. 2."

Double circle dater worded "T.'P.0./2" at tne top and

the"J"AMAlCA" at  bottom, "50mrtt in Q'i~rneter.  "Recorded

siruck in black inK.

EKD:                                LKD:


                                                                  (I ;L .


Cover to Crlasgow bearing on -the reverse double circle

dater of 'Pori Antonio of the atb t-tay, 193'9, and on t'he

obverse "T."P.o. 2" aaier o£ 1:be 6aroe date. Franked ai

1ia, the. cover woula go hy t'ail, :receiving -\:he "T.P.O.
2" dater on thai journey.
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