Page 405 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 405

Travelling Post Offices.

                                      "T.P.O. 3".
Double ~ircle clater worded "'l'.P.0./3" at the top al\d

"JAMAICA" at the bottom, 29mm in diatneter, struck in blacl<

inlc. Tbis mark differs from tne 1938 "T.P.O. 3" il1 the

the diameter oi' the double circles and a smaller

"'1' • p • 0 • " 0  The "hand stamp was used on the haih be -I: we en

Kingston and Pori Ard.onio.                   •

E:KD:                        Lfi'D:



                    TH'E ADOI\ESS ONLY TO Bl WRmEN ON


                                          /) cJ f3olf" (/3j?'



Postal stationery caYd addressed to Kingston bearing the

above dater of tbe 13th Nay, ihe year beihg omitted.
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