Page 409 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 409


                               s.s. Ulua.

                          Rego - UFC 060~2/S.

Thia nandQ*amp comprises a ~7~• double outer circle •nd

25•111 single innaT circle. AroUnd the top appears th.e

wordinc "UNITED FRUIT COHPAt« • and at the boHom "S'IEAHSHII'

S£'RVIC£" in 20111 hi,h block aans serif type. Above \-he daie
line ie "POS1'6D/Oll 'l'H£/HiiOH SEAS" and below "PURSER/S.S. ULUA"
all in e~aller block eans seri£ type. This ~hdsta~p is one

of seven u5ed by the S.S. Ulua I • ihe first of this na~a in

the Pleet - and i5 known siruc~ in ~reen, blue and black inks.

l'.IK.I>:                    I.KD:



                    \                          ~v . C:.. i). kwR....

           .. , I                                 V14U11 1?\MJ 0. F. u. ~
           -;_;;m ......     ----
                                               - J.~. f\.

Cover with Type UPC 060J2/5 dator of the 23rd Jtay, 1935,
struck in creen. Franked at 3c, the cove~ is addressed

-l;o New J'erlle.)', u.s.A. and w;as landed at Kingston lfhere it

received Kib(9ton Fa~uebo~ dater a£ the 23rd ~~. 19)~.
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