Page 413 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 413


                  s.s. 'l'oloa.

             R~to - UFC 060}4/8.

This handsta~~~p acomprise~ 37111112 dia•eter douhl.e lined

circle with a sif1ila lihe tnner circle, 26m• in dia1114ter

with a "bulclt<e • each side of the centre date line. Around

the top appears the ~tording "UNITED FJlUlT COMPANY'' and at

the 'bottocn ''STEAMSHIP S£11VICE" in 2111111 h:igh type. Above th~


date ia the wot-din&' "POSTfP/ON 1H!'/HI(fH SI!AS" and belpw,

"PURSER/S/S TOLOA" in smaller type: all t'he priniing 'bein(

in 'block sans eerif cyp~. 'l'his 'h.tndstat~~p is one of

&i('ht mar'kings used on board t'he "S/S Toloa",

'EKD:  ?


CoYel" to the U.S.A. franlced by u ..S.A. 3c value cancelled

'by Kingston Paquebot dater of the 7ih ~. 1g37, and

bearint urc Ob034/8 handsta~ of tha ea~~~e date.
   408   409   410   411   412   413   414   415   416