Page 408 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 408


              S.S. Toloa.

                               'Re Co - UFC 06034/6.

    This nandsiamp cotnpriaes a ~4•111 dialleier single line

circle with a broken inn~r sin~le line circle, ~3mm in

diameter. Around the top appears the wording 11UNITBD

l"RUIT CoMPANY" artd at the ooHom "STEAMSHIP SERV!CE" in

2mm 'high -type. Above the date is; the wording "POSTeD/ON

THE/HICCH SEAS" and below, "PURSI:!R/S/5 TOLOA" in Slll&ller

typa; all ihe printing being in block sana seriF iype.

This 'hanos'ba111p i.s one of eitht lnarkincs used on board i:he

S/S 'l'oloa.  11<'0: l/~j 1~5

'BI<D: /t bl

Cover to the U.S.A. franked oy ihe lid value of the 1919 -

1921 Pictorial issue which is cancelled by ~ype UFC

06034/6 dater of ihe 6th November, 19'4·
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