Page 411 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 411


                            s.s. Metapan.

                          Rero - UFC 06014/6 .
    This bsndsta~p co~priaes a ~6~ double circl~ mar}lnf

 With -ihe wordint' -UNlTC'l> FRUIT COMPANY • around the top a ncl
 "STEAMSHIP SERVlCii" sround tne boHom in 2mm type.. Above

 t'he. date 'line appe.ars· "PoSTr!D/ON THE/III~H Sl!fAS" attd belolt,

 I•PU RSER/S.S. 11P'l'APAN" in atiB.lle.r type. All the. wordillt .h
 in blocl< san.s serif type. This hancla1an~p ts one. of ab

 used by this vessel, and is known in blue ~black inke.


                             HIGH SiA~

           OCT 2 8 1933

 Cover to tne U.S.l. vith Type UFC 06014/6 deter of the

 28th octo'ber, 1933. sirucl< in black l.n'k . 'l' are no
other 11111 rl< ittgs on iha cover .
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