Page 407 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 407


               s.s. Santa Marta.

                             'Rego - UFC 06013/7.

         7hi$ handsiamp comprises a ~5Mm sin(le line circ~e Wiih

a broken inner si"Cle 11.11e circle, 25alm in diameier. Around

i:he top appears ~e Wor di ng "UNIT£D FRUIT COMPAI'fl'" and at

the 'boHom ''STEAMSHIP SERVlCE" in 2mm ld&h iype. Above

-the date ia -the wordinc "POSTED/ON THE./HYQH SE'A.S" and beloW,

"'PUR.SER/s.s. SAN"n\ MAArA" in smaller i:ype; an the. print.itt~

bei~ in bloc~ sans serif iype. This handsi~p is one of

nine 111ar\ocing's used on board i:he. S. S. Santa ~1& ~a.

'EIK'D:  •. 1  l.I<Dt 1 ~,/ 'f.3t


Cover with 7Ype V~ o60lJ/7 dater of {he ZTth ~Qne, 1930,

cancelling 2~ value oP the 1919 - 1922 Pictorial I8sue;

the. cove:r 'being addressecl to dew York.
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