Page 404 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 404

Travelling Fost Offices.

                       11 T.P.O. '3.11

'Double circle dater worded "T.P.o.;;u at t'he top and

"J"AMAlCA" ai ine bottorn, 3()1)m. in diameter, "Recorded

struck ih blac'k ink.

EKD:                                    LKb:

                            ...- _...
                             I • I.

Cover addressed to Nawcastle on Tyne bearing "T.'P.O. 3"

of -the 2l1d J'une ( 1953) and Lau,hlatlds "llir!ningharn" dater

ot '\;ne 24th :Tuly, 19S~.  In view of: the daies, it is

assumed t'ha.t -the "T. P. o." date.r probably should' have read

22~d. 23rd or 24th J'uly, and tHai tbe clerk omitted to

alter the date pl~es.
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