Page 396 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 396

Travelling Post Offices.


Double circl& dater, 28lltm in diatnei:er, worded '''l.P.O," at

the top and 11 Jili.NA ICA" at fihe 'h~Horn with dots on -the level
of ihe date line, tbe WlrKing being struck i11 black ink.

t.Kl>~ .,-  '1            LK.t>:




Cover bearing "T."P.O." daier o£ i:he 29th A~st, !9~3 to

Bristol also ~ea~ing on the reverse Kingston ~chine dater

of i:he same daie. The c.over is unfranked and -the obverse

bea:rs "J'AMAICA 'l:" and "JO CENTIMI!S" tax handsia1nps struclc

in purple i11K, 1nere is also United ~ingdom M3d -/TO PAY/

1~" nandqta rrp st~clc in black: i nlc and 3d J>os.tage .Due

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