Page 390 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 390

Travelling Post Offices.

           "T."P.O. 4".

The second o£ the "TIID" type daters used on i:he "Kint:ston

Corporate Areau route 4 is similar to the first iype bui

is 'WJ.ihout the hyphen between the no• of "T.P.o.w ancl -the

"4 ~, this marking is also recorded sbuck in purple ink.

l:!KD:  I                LKD: 3{€, ~

Cover to Cons-lit.ut.ion Hill, 'P.A., U.S.A. bearing '"T."f'.O. 4"

da.ter of t'he 14th May, 1964, and U.S. instruciional Markings
for the return of the lette~ to the sender.
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