Page 381 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 381

Travelling Post Offices.

                  NT.P.O. 2''.

The. first type of ••'tRD• Type 37 da.te.r used on route 2 in

the "Kingst.on Corpora-te Area" has "'I'.P.O. 2'' at the -top in

wide spacing, 2:Snttn, and "J"AMAICA ~, 2~mrn, at the bot tom

both in blocK seri! type. The marking has only been

seen s-l::ruc"l< in purple. i n1c.

EI<D:  I "l b 't

                  •                                            .

                  fJv 1/Hftv ;l;JJ~


Cover to Chieago, U. S. A . bea-:ri ttg "l'. P.0. 2" dater o.f the

7th September, 1964, there being ho other markings on ~he

cove :r.
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