Page 224 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 224


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    .....~       rhis Wr:lppcr m:1.y only be u.ctet.l for Newspapers or for
            aueh tlocuments a~ are allowed to bo :;cut nt the Jkx,k. ratc

            of postage, an.l mu:;t not cnelo~c :my letll•r or communication

            of Um n.'lt.m! of a letter (whether scpamte or utherwitte).

            lf this rule OOiufriu~~-d,the~t.ld as alct.ter.

            ... ~ ilL.. ll.            - --
            7~ ~· "' 1 ? 1
            ( ., \.J...c.

            Geo: Peara~ Baq:~l_ 61926
            Sydtnham _\'1lla_ ,

            Lon adale ' !tii&'C4 u·..
...r~tt.~J'N.Sro~uth chvch•

            f0i l'J3~1 t 0 u'lj l )8 - - -

            ~1 ·•- (j w ~;i: J. )!?I


W~apper with incomplete addre~ and K)ng~ton dater of the 6th

J'Uly, l 'J26 · The }.andst amp "'RE.TURNfD - POII/BET'I'ER Dl ~ECTION~ ws.s
applied b..Y ihe ~.p . C. and !::he wrapper l'assed iD ·t'he. Returned

l;ettel' :Brt>nc'h w'hose redangu.lar 'hsndstatnp ol t.he sa1ne dote ""~

struCK ~n purple ink. The cover was rQturned to ine sender
WhO added the endorsement ih red ink Qnd returned the ~tem to
be seh~to ~nglend; ~he revers~ oe»re a £u~tner Kingston dater
of the 19th July, 1926 , tbe date of tr~nsMission.
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