Page 221 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 221



      1.) - PO"!' CARD

                     THE ADDRESS ONLY TO BE WRITTEN ON


Card from tutort to Kingsto11 with Luton dater of the ;Jrd

October, 1902. Franked at ic:f, ihe card was taxed a-1:. ld

ati shown by 1:all ITl<lrK and "ld" il'l manuscript and was then
.refiJ,l;W by the addre2see. '!'ne card endorsed "Refused" and

daiea - "24/10/02'' by ihe Pos-tman at<cl :foxwa~deJ -to -the2
Returned 1e~ter Branch WHOSe daier of -!:.he 25th October,
1902 appears in black. the card was ihen hahdstamped

"REFlJS£D" in block sans se:ri£ type, 28 " 411117lJ 1 iHle i.s

known o£ this nandstamp as this item is the only recorded
e~ample to date, but it was probably produced in London

and sent io the :rarnaica O££ice.
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