Page 222 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 222



                               -----•...,. G ........, J\1~ :;:l

                                      'r" ·"


COWEN                                 ·~ -"'Sq

MUSIC ROOMS ,._                                       /

18 King St.,  ""                      P/0••
              Jt. -1. ~
JAMAICA, B. W. I .f" c,· (' ·


Il'lternal fro111 l<inssi:on to Malvern :frariked .,t {:-J, the sta~np be.i.rtg

cancelled by Kingston daier of the 6th May, 1925. The cover

bears "AmeriCJ n" type handstsrnp si ruck: iH purple ink reading

'' RETURN/TO S£ND£R" together with receivi~ dater of the REl'URN!:D

t ETT~"R BAANCH, l{ing!.Oion of tl,e 1o-th J"ul\e, 1925 a11.; King$1;o~
<Jate:r ot the 7th :Tune, 192,.
   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225   226   227