Page 227 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 227

"RE7URNE:D FQR/Add i i i onal 1'oahce"

         T.Ype "DA ~".

      This narking is a fraroed nandstamp, 50 x t2••· reading

on the first line "RETURiff:D FOR" in bloc}( sans seri£ -lype,

2lm., nich, end on t'he second line "Additlonal Postage• ill

bl oclc sari f iype, 2i•"' or 1\n<JOt high, followed by a t2! M

line. It is only recorded in purple ink and is known

used on both air and su r face o. ail.

Air:  £1\l): 2.'d,' ~I 1'1't~  LKll: 11/12./ 1q57

Surface: 'EK'D: 7/fl/ li)S2.   t~D:


                      ft ll ,N[D

    c<. ? I

Ai.r letter fol'lll :fl'"Ml Cross Road& to Fnugu, IHgeria, the

tor~ ~s initially franlced ~t 6d, but was underpaid and

re~ei ved llA 4 handsta"''' with•,a• inser·tad. An adc'li-lional

:5cl sta"''' ~oras added, wbich was cancelled by C:t'<>ss 'Roads

double circle. dater of the 18th Harch, 1.954.
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