Page 226 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 226

R£TURNED/LETl~R BRANCH/~A~AICA .                               ,_

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Examples of ihe ~wo Dies of the above handsiarnp. In both
l>ies the mark ~~~e.asu"res 23 x 23mm within a single line frame,

wHh cnarn.fgred corners, .,1-tho-uf:h in .Die I1 there is the
eppear.ance of a double 1 ine. at the bottom. In Die 1 the

lines above and below the date are 6"111 apart, in Die II
th1s ,ap is 5~m. Whist ~ne wordi~ in both Dies is in block
sans serif type, in l>ie I ":TAMUCA" meast.~res 17rtm in leng~n
in Die li this measure~ent is 18~.
The local front bears Kingston dater of the 17th lioveonber,

1891) l>ie 1 handstamp of the. atl. nbrl.lary I 1892 and Type 2

"UIICLAtME:l>" 11arlcing in red. The ca-rd .from l<ingston to
luoea bears K~ngston dater of ~he tOl:b April, 1894; blue

~~~&nuscript •unclaimed'\ Luce.a dater of the 21st May . 18.9+

and DiQ l1 hand stamp of -!:he 23rd May, 1894.
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