Page 229 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 229

"Re-turned -for additional postal'" 0"

                  Type "DA S" o

   This h~ndsta•p is unfra~d and co•pri-es a four line

remarlcin~, "Returned for additional posh of • d/Air

Mail ~~~~at be :t'ully prepaido/Wei g'h-1: o:t letter _ ounces,

_s _d ;f'ol"" each/{ ounee. All the wording is in mixed

sans ser i'f type sncl t'he overall she or the illar'k is 72. x

17111.. 0            Lllll:

l!KD: '7/31 ~5?.

ff -br-..IfANYTHING 15 ENC ~                                                        . ... ....•,'
                                                                                    ." .....'.~. '
THIS lETTER Wkl Bt • •
E;Y AIK MAIL ~ a:...                                                                ~  ·....._.".,"."~'. --...,...'..,.,,'

tJ {AIR LETT                                                                        \:.- .f:;,~~r, ~!'.....-·~--

                  ~                                                                                                         1
- - -v.L"-J.-uIYOR-DINARY MAIL, ~
                                                                                    l'". -  J                               .



6d Air Letter form :tro• Ocno Rioa io Boeton, UoSoAo

cancelled by Ocho Rios •Birooing'ham• type deter of tne 7llo

March, 1952; tha form also 'bears Type "DA s• st.ruc'k in

purple inl<, snowing a ~teicht of~ ounce, Qd for each j'

 ounce .
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