Page 228 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 228


'l'h l.s handst ""'P i o ~hil;;rr to Dll 5 hn•i n8 ih" ~-• ~o rding V. a

tour line '":>rl<:ln&' in Mix•d .s" M ll");'i& -~ype. The hend..-411lP

dif! ;tro"' M~ ; n thei. it is enclos~a by il .single Une £rame,
78 x 24-u>, but ill bl<~o .sirucl< in purple io~.

fK.D: l5/&/l9.!S                                                                      txll:

-- - - - -r. ned          •.~_              •                         - ; ......,
      /4 it                                                            $, (i
                l.A_.r •        I  0  "" 8  •  t  -~;-.:,-ag-e -of-_

                  • 'IJ be fufly IJ'•Paid
                          - nco>..Ls..Jt}i for each
e.                        ;.../

;r...,.,C'o<ao  Kiocmon to I:e> ce.ster !rDnlce<i at 1/6d wltn .penh..,..,

'Iown dater ot the z!)th Aue-ust, l95S. 'I'!.e )utr.dst"•P lus~ "been

"Co,.pJ.,t..d" in ink and 3llo"s that add! iional posl~&e ot jld is

du• ror <>irt~all pock.,.
   223   224   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233