Page 234 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 234


                ON HIS

Regist ..rod cover trOD the Restdent Ma$i St~ate's Co~~
at Spanislt. Town to T.insiead . 'li!e cover bears t'he Court • s "FRE£"

h~Jtilsta01p shucl< ~n put<p) e in)( with the Court •s Registration

'handsl:a.,p sl:ruc)( in b1aol< inl< insieed o£ the usual -type o:f

registration la~el sna Spanio>h TOwn ~-ter o£ the J~th jo.nuBr~,
193&. 'I'tte reverse beru-s I.i n~!:ead 6r'rilf31 da!:er o£ -the 12th
::n.ouary, 193l!, but -the cover w..s nol received b,y -the a<lilresoee
""d after ibe norm..l waiting period waG hanilsl:.-mped "UifCLA!I'l£b"
by the Linstead ot!ice and the l.insteed C!ahr of the 12th
rebruary, 19)8 applied; ihe cover was returned to fbe Cour-t
ahd the co..ri ' s receiving ltondstaonp of tt.e 151:11 193<1

was then app li ed in p"rple ink.
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