Page 236 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 236

Sltip teHel" .



             )                  )

    Entire - a double sheet - from Kingston deled th~ lOth

rehruary, 1816, to <;lasgow by the sloop, H.I'J.S. North Sta.J;. 1i

16 rated at the top ~:-ight at 2/2d, tJ,e packet. rate to tondoa Via

P<lfhmouth on() J>E!ars t}le first type o£ ifamaicsn Snip Letter, Sl. 'L

    The enlire bears Portsmou~h Ship tetter and on the l"everse
tondon receiving dater o:f -!:he a-th Apri1. 1 181b, 5huc\< in

red ink. At LOndon !:ne ent.>-re l<lBb .raiecl at 2/4d at the top le£1:
the tondon to (lla11gow chare;e for 40!1 an.d. -the icl &-cerl:H6n

Toll Tax, ~;t bears qlasltow receiving dater of the ~8tn

Aprl.l, 1616.
   231   232   233   234   235   236   237   238   239   240   241