Page 237 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 237

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Entire ~roa Sal.-, U.S.A. to ~r~ois R· Holla"d, rairfield,

Har Hill fro" ht • .taihe.r dated the 7ih Nove111l>er, 1841 buri111r

a•l•fl &ifl(le circle d.lter in blut o~ the 8th Novfl!lller, 18(1.
The 611iire ie rated at 'l7c and 'bu~~:e u, S.A. "J'AU>~ hand'~~ in
blue t~i:her ~otith ICi"~" sJ.ip utter cJrttr in b1<~ck ~ the

1;s~h .n.ceiJI,er, 1841. Tka entire ie enclouecf in llt~n&~scrip! uen,

il)!e\d rah <>f 8~ tor a leHn settt ova a lOO •Het £ro111

f<it'lg•ton - Ma,y Hill (now :!pPr 7ree) ie in -lha ~ut ot Clarelldon

Par~a" ~ tne border ~ith st. £litabet~ ~arl•~ ·
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