Page 240 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 240


Mint 111arginal example of the imperfol"ated ld Blue 1 Pihe
watermark 1 of the 1860 issue overprinted "S PE'CJI1EN" in

black block sans serif lettering, 15 x ;mm1 Harcus Sa~uel

Type D 2.
The s-l~mp i tsel£ was pro'bably iss1.1ed on t.he 2'rd ~ovembe r 1
1860 at. the same -time as the ld Pale Blue va1 ue. 'l'he D 2
"5PI::CIMEN" overprih-1: was applied to stamps between 1860-

&1874 to provide sam~les of De La ~ue eo. 1 S work, but

~uantities of ~ne overprint produced are not Known.
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