Page 217 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 217




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 'J'l?"'f"{a, tk .Sfta-unptm,  •  •n rf 41/. «lynJ  rk

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/''~"Yrll'hd~i/utl. ,/n17' ,,? / l I /

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Printed postcard fr0111 one Post Haster to anot~r set-ding

New Year Gnet~ngs, the. obverse of the card bears l<ineston

receiving dste:r of the 15th February~ 1887, srtd t'ne reversa

'bears "RECE 1V£D/G£N£RAL POST Ol'"f"IC£ J"AH.t.ICE" oval single
lined handstaMp, 37 x 21Rn, with s~ngle lined inher oval,

Z7 x 17M•. The block sans serif type is 2lmm hich and the
mar~ is ~truck 1n blac~ ink.

'I'he card reads
                                       • 1887 0

                         The Ditector General
• nd -!:he employees of' ine Posts and Te le ~ra phs of the

Republic of Nic11ragua, greet their conea,ues of Jamaica

and send w1shes for your prosperity dwrihg ihe year 1887·

                          Managua, ~a"uary 1887.'
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