Page 219 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 219

~.P.o. Hanqsta~ps.


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10ANTI·APARl HElD  c  ANTI-APARTH80  10c  •'••
                      YEAR 1978
YEAR 1978

  uile 515, ~i/1~ ~loor

Chicago, IIAnols 60601

u. s. A.

Cover from Hagley Park to Cbicaco, U.$.A. dated the 10th

Ma.y, the year beinr; omitted. The ccvex- bears sintle line.

!rarnecl, 20 x 50tnJI, ''iBCE:IVBD AT/HAGtE't t'ARI</IM BAD

CONDITIOh'" hand&tsmp in 2tnm ana 'rnrn high sans serif type

si:ruck inblac1c in\c.
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