Page 13 - Derek Seaton Jamaica Display at BWISC 2006 Oct
P. 13
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'This letter from Port Ro) al in Jamaica (which incidentally is not in the Leeward I land group but
is one of the Greater Antilles) has a very faded green Falmouth ship letter mar ยท

The Jetter was written on 23rd October 1838 to Major General Nicholls in outhampton and is
rated 2/ 1 in manuscript. In it the writer thanks the Major General for his letter of 30th August
received early in October and apologises for the frequent correspondence on account of the cost.
I see that thi s letter was answered on l51h May (presumably) 1839.

Letters for London were generally separately bagged in the Post Office of despatch and therefore
received no Falmouth mark.
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