Page 99 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 99

                                       Page.                           Page.
            Advice of delivery of Insured Articles   42  [osurancc of Overseas Letters   41
            Advice of delivery of Registered Articles:   fosurancc of Overseas Parcels   4G
                L~~                      11
                OversellS                41  Jewellery, Definition of    11
             Air Mails             . .   75-88   "   'fransruissiou of  11 I  40,  4G,  51
             Arrivallirld despatch of Mails:   I Judicial Stamps         Ci7
                Inland (Table of)   . .   16-27
              ·  Overseas           3:~.  34, 80  Letters:
             Artiales liable to Customs Duty. .   35, 44   Dutiable Articles in   35, 36
                                                Insurance, Overseas   . .   41
             Bees, Transmission of     40, 51   Limits of weight !lnd size, Inland   5
            "Blind Literature"       10, 14, 52         Do.       Overseas  52
             Book  Post.  See under Printed Pa]>ers.   Prohlbited Articles   35, 40
                                                Rates of Postage, Inland   5
                                                      Do.    Overseas    52
             Cable Rates   .             71     Redirection  . .         68
             Cash.on Delivery (C.O.D.) Service   47   Registration, Inland   10
             Christmas Cards, writing ou   8,37    Do.   Overseas   . .   40
             Classification of Mail:            Return to sender, whel1 prohibited  69
                Inland                   5-9
                Overseas               33-fO    U•rdelivered Correspondence   69
             Coin, etc., T ransmission of   11,  46,  51   Letter Bags and Boxes   69
                                             Liquids, Traosmission of
             Commercial Paper&
                Overseas               as, 52
                                            Magazines                     6
                                            l\Iedicine for cure of Consumption   51
             Compensation:                  'M ilit.try Forces, Letters addressed  to   52
                Insured  Letters          42   Money      . .       11,  46,  51
                R egistercd Articles  Luland   10   l\Iouey Orders:
                      Do.     Overseas    40    List of Countries        65
                Uninsured Parcels         fg    'l'elegraph Money Orders   G5
             Compulsory Registration
             Correspondence,  Oversea~, classes of   34   Motor Mail Service Time Table   28-29
                  Do.    Inland, classes of   5
             Customs Charges-                Naval Forces, Letters addressed  to   52
                                             Newspapers, Inland
                I ncoming Parcels        4  4   NewSpapers, " Registered"   6
                Payable by sender         4 7   Newspaper wrappers       67
                Payable on repairs                                       40
             Customs Clearance Fee       !i  Notes, Bank, Transmission  of
                                             Offices, List of Post     lG-27
             Dangerous Articles        10, 40  Official Correspondence   11
             Dutiable Articles by L-etter Mail   34, 39  Official Correspondence, Registration of  14
             Duty ou Repairs             45  Oils, Transmission of   . .   39
                                             Oversea Mails  ·  . .    33, 88
             Envelopes, Registered Letter   67
                                            Parcel Post, Oversea:
             Greasy Substances, Traosmission of   38   C.O.D. Service    47
             " Green Label" System     35, 40   Duty on Repairs          45
                                                Exchange with Canada     49
             Holiday arrangements        71         Do.    Central America   42
             Hours of business at Post  Offices   5   Do.   U.K.         47
             Hours of business a t Telegraph Offices  71   Do.   U.S.A., etc.   48
             House Delivery              68         Do.    W. I . .Ialands   49
                                                General Regulationtl     43
             Import  Duty          .     44     Import Duti.:s           44
             Jmprl!ssed Stamps      '    67    J m;ur8Jlce               ~
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103