Page 96 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 96

                                    APPEl'\DlX  B.-Co11ld.
               Spain (but not Rio de Oro).   Turks and Ca1cos  !•lands.
               Straits Settlements.          United States or America.
               Sweden.                       union or South Africa.
               Switzerland (inclur!ing Licchtcnstcin).   V11t ic:~n City Stntc.
               Tnugnnyika Territory.         Windward  Islands.
               'l'rnns-Jordao.               Yemen.
               'J'rioidnd and Tobago.        Yugo•lnvia.
               Tunis.                        Zanzibnr nnd Pcmbu.
               T urkey.
                 Dutiable  articles should not be accepted  for dispatch in letters or letter  packages
               for the  following countries, which have expressed  an  unwillingness  to accept such
               An~tlo-Egyptinn Sud11n.       Irish Free State.
               Azores.                       Itnlinn Colonies of Som&lilaod, Cyrcnaica,
               Bolivh.                        Eritrca, TrnnsjuiJalnnd, and Tripolitania.
               Brotil.                       Italy.
               British !Ionrlruras.          .J11pnn and dependencies.
               Britiqh Somalilnnd.           ::\btno (ordinary).
               Briti~h Togoland.             Mnc!cim lo;lallC.Is (ordinary).
               Ct~pc Vcrdc Islands (ordiMry).   Norway.
               Chinn.                        Pnrnguny.
               Colombia.                     Peru.
               Dominican Republic.           Portu,; Coloni~s (ordinary).
               Ecu•ldor (ordi .ury).         Rio clc Oro.
               Fcrnnndo Po ,.nd Spanish Guinea.   f;n'"l ::\lnrino.
               Gold Coast Colony.            ~yri, Rr·public or l.<'bnnon and Govern-
               On  •' Briwi11  • 1d .Vorthern lrtlalld.   ment oi L~takiu.
               Greece.                       union o' <:o,.i!lliitic Soviet  RepubliC!<.
               Gunt!'rnaln (ordinary).       Uruguay.
               Ront:; Kong.                  \'cnentela.
                 Dutiable articles in  leltera or letter packag"s w.ll he accepted  at the  risk of th •
               senders  when addressed to those countries not  mentioned in paragraphs above.
                                       APPENDIX C.
                 Schedule  showing list of  countries which  h:we e"presscd n  wiliingneu to  accept.
               dutiable articles sent aa "small pockets."
               Algeria.                      Estania.
               Argentina.                    Etbioph (:\hyF•inio).
               Ascension.                    F:ukl~nd T•lnnd$.
               Austdia.                      Fiji hlnnds.
               Austri:t.                     Fr:mce.
               Bahamas                       French Cnmcroons.
               Barbados.                     French EquatoriBl Arriea.
               Belgium.                      French Tndo-Cbina.
               Bermuda.                      French Somalilnnd.
               Brazil.                       French Togaland.
               British Cameroons.            Gambia.
               British  Guiana.              G1!rmany.
               British Honduras.             Gibrnltnr.
               British Somsliland.           Great Britain and Northent l relond.
               Ccylon.                       Greece.
               Cyprus.                       Gun<leloupe.
               Czechoslovakia.               Guatc•nnla.
               Danzig                        Hcjaz, Xejd, nod dependencies.
               Denmark.                      Hondurru. (Rep. of).
               Dominic.~n Republic.          Hong Kong.
               Dutch (l\ethcrlands) EMt Indies.   Hungary.
               Dutch Guiaua.                 J11pau  and dependencies.
               Dutch (Netherl!lnds) West Indies.   Leew&rd Islnn<lo.
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