Page 101 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 101

               Per oz.                                               ld.
                                       Po:~t Cnrds.
               Single                                                id.
               Reply paid                                            Id.
                       Ncw,pupct·s  (Local a nd Britbh) n nd Locul  Maga, .
               Per Copy                                              td.
                               Printed  and  Com mercial P.1pcr,.
               Per 2 oz.
                                "Small  Packets"  (up  to 8  o.r..)
               Per 2 oz.                                             Id.
                               Pa rcels  (Parcel  Po,;t  ovco·  />  oz..)
               Por lb.                                               4d.
                                       Telegram s.
                        Ninepence for  fin t  12 words r.nd  ~d. Cor cnch  addi~ionnl  word.

                                        O VI:QSI:A.
                        To United  Kingdom and  British  Possessions generally
               Not exceeding 1 oz.                                   I; d.
               For every additional oz.                              Id.
                                    To a ll  other  Places .
               Not exceeding 1 oz.                                  2!d.
               For every additional oz.                              l,d.
                                       Post  Cards .
               Single                                                Id.
               Reply paid                                            2d.
                         Printed Papers , Com mercial Papers  and Samples.
                Per 2 oz.                                            ~d.
                       Minimum for Commucial Papert-2}d., and for Samples-Id.
                                      "S ma ll  Packe ts."
                Per 2 oz.                                            Id.
                                       Parce l Pos t.
                To United Kingdom- S Jb.- 1(7.  7lb.- 2/10.  lllb.--4/-.  22 1b.-6/6.
                To U.S.A. and Canada- 6d. per lb.
                                     POST AL  OQDI:QS.
                   Amount of Order.                     '.
                At 6d., la., Is. 6d., 28., 28.  ~.                  Id.
                At  Se., Se. 6d., 411., 48. 6d..  Se.               lid.
                At 7e. 6d.                                          2d.
                At Ss .. lOB.                                       2id.
                . U201.                                             ·~d .
                                 MONI:Y OQDI:Q5 -8ee pege  63
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103