Page 97 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 97

                                   APPENDIX C.-Ctmtd.
              Lwcemburg (Grand Duchy).      Saar Territory.
              Malta.                        St. Helens.
              Martinique.                   St. Pierre and Miquelon.
              Mauritius and dependencies.   Sarawak.
              Mexico.                       Seychelles.
              Morocco (British).            Siam.
              Morocco (French).             Sierra Leone.
              Netherlands, The.             Solomon Islands.
              New Caledonia and dependenoiee.   Sweden.
              Newfoundland (including Labrador).   Switzerland.
              New Guinea, Mandated Territory.   Syria, Republic of Lebanon and Govern-
              New Hebrides.                   ment of Latakin.
              Nigeria.                      Trans-Jordan.
              North Borneo (State of).      Trinidad and Tobago.
              Nyasaland Protectorate.       Tunis.
              Palestine.                    Turks and Caicos Islands.
              Papua.  (Br. New Guinea).     United States of America.
              Persia.                       Windward Islands.
              Reunion (Bourbon) Island.     Yemen.
              Rumania.                      Yugoslavia.
                Small  packets should  not  be accepted  for  the  following  countries,  which  have
              expressed an unwillingness to accept such  articles:
              Afghanistan.                  Kenya and Uganda.
              Azores.                       Labuan.
              Bechuannland Protectorate.    Latvia.
              Belgian Congo.                Lithuania.
              British Togoland.             Mn.cao.
              Brunei.                       Madagascar.
              Bulgaria.                     Madeira Islands.
              Canada.                       Malay States, (Nonfederated).
              Cape Verde Islands.           Mauritania.
              Chile.                        Morocco, Spanish Zone.
              China.                        New Zealand.
              Colombia.                     Nicaragua.
              Cuba.                         Niger.
              Dahomey.                      Norway.
              Ecuador.                      Paraguay.
              Egypt.                        Peru.
              Federated Malay States.       Poland.
              Fernando Po and Spanish Guinea.   Portugal.
              Finla.nd.                     Portuguese Colonies.
              French Guiann.                Rhodesia, Northern.
              French Guinea.                Rhodesia, Southern.
              French Settlements in India.   Salvador. El.
              French Settlements in Oceania.   San Marino.
              French Sudan.                 Senegal.
              Gilbert and Ellice Islands.   South-West Africa..
              Gold Coast Colony.            Spain.
              Haiti.                        Straits Settlements.
              Iceland.                      Tanganyika Territory.
              India  British.               Turkey.
              Iraq (Mesopotamia).           Union of Socialistic Soviet Republics.
              Irish Free State.             Union of South Africa.
              Italian colonies of Somaliland Cyrenaica,   Uruguay.
                Eritrea, Transjubaland, anCI T:ripolitania.  Vatican City State.
              Italy.                        Venezuela.
              Ivory Coast.                  Zanzibar and Pemba.
                Small packets will be accepted at the risk of the senders when addressed to  those
              countries not mentioned in paragrapha above.
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