Page 95 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 95

92                      APPE~DI X.
                                      APPENDL'C  B.
                Schedule  showing  list  of the  countries  which  bnve expressed  n  willlngness  to-
               nccept d utinhle articles sent at  the letter rate of postage:
               Afghanistan.                 Eleja~, Nejd tlnd dependencies.
               Albania.                     Honduras (Republic of).
               Algeria.                     Hungary.
               Argentina.                   Icelnnd.
               Ascension.                   India, British.
               Austrnlia.                   Iraq (Mesopotamia).
               Austria.                     Ivory Coast.
               Azores (regist.ered).        Kenya nnd Uganda .
               Bahamas.                     Labuan.
               Barbados.                    Latvia.
      Protectorate.   Leeward Islands.
               Belgian Congo.               Lithuania.
               Belgh1m.                     Luxemburg (Grand Duchy).
               Bermuda.                     :\Incao (registered).
               British Cnmcroons.           MadagiiScnr nnd dependencies.
               British Guiana.              Madeira Islands (registered).
               Brunei.                      Malay States (Nonfederated).
               Bulgaria.                    Malta.
               Canada.                      Martinique.
               Cape Vcrdc Tslands (registered).   l\Iauritanin.
               Cevlon.                      Mauritius and dependencies.
               Chile.                       l\le:-:ico.
               Cuba.                        l\Iorocco, British.
               Cyprus.                      i'vforocco, l!'rench.
               Czechoslovakia.              Morocco, Spnnish Zone.
               Dahomey.                     Nnuru Island.
               Dsnzig.                      :-letherlands, The.
               Denmark.                     New Cnledonia.
       (Netheriands) East Indies.   Newfoundland (including Labrador).
               Dutch Guinna.                New Guinetl, :Mandated Territory.
               Dutch (Netherlands) West Indies.   New Hebrides.
               Ecuador (registered).        New Zealand.
               Egypt (not including AngJo.Egyptian   )licnragun.
                  Sudan).                   Xiger.
               Estonia.                     Nigerin.
               Ethiopia (Abyssinia).        :-lorth Borneo (State of).
               Falkland  fslands.           Nyasaland Protectorate.
               Federated Malny States.      Pnlestine.
               Fiji Islands                 Papun (British :-lew Guinea).
               Finland.                     Persia. (See note.)
               France.                      Peru (regist.ercd).
               French Cnmcroons.            Poland.
               Frencb Equatorial Africa.    Portugal.
               French Gniana.               Portuguese Colonies (registered).
               French Guinea.               Reunion  (Bourbon) Island.
               French lndo-China.           Rhodesia, Northern.
               French Settlements in Iodin.   Rhodesia. Southern.
               French Settlements in Oceania.   Rumania.
               French Somaliland.           Saar Territory.
               French Sudan.                St. Hclena.
               French Togoland.             St. Pierre nod  Miquelon.
               Gambia.                      Salvador (El).
               Germany.                     Sarawak.
               Gibraltar.                   Senegal.
               Gilbert and Ellice Islands.   Seychelles.
               Greenland.                   Siam.
               Guadeloupc.                  Sierra Leone.
               Guatemala (registered).      Solomon Islnnds.
               Haiti.                       South-West Alrica.
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