Page 98 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 98

APPEt~DlX.                       95
                                      APPENDIX D.
                                                     Preferential   General
                              Article.                 Tariff.     Tariff.
            Boots, shoes, bootees, over shoes, slippers and sandals
              of all  descriptions-
                (a)  made wholly or of rubber, b1\lata or gutta
                 percha (except where the outer p!lri  o! the uppers,
                 ilpart from  stilching.s,  fa~tcnings o.· ornaments
                 is  made entirely of lent her or leather and elastic)   15 p.c.   2.) p.c.  plus
                                                                 1/- per pair
                (b)  rubber soled  with  uppers of leather or  imita-
                .  tions  thereof                     15 p.c.   25 p.c.  plus
                                                                 3/- per pair
                (c)  made wholly or partly of leather or imitations
                 thereof not elsewhere included       15 p.c.   25 p.c. plus
                                                                 3/0 per vair
                {a)  Collars                          15 p.c.   25 p.c. plus 1/-
                                                                 per doz.
                (b)  Ties                             15 p.c.    25 p.c. plus
                                                                 6/- per doz.
                (c)  Sbirte, singlets and shorts (underwear)   15 p.c.   25 p.c. plus
                                                                 7/6 per doz.
                (d)  Hosiery (i) cotton,              10 p.c.   10 p.c. plus 6d
                                                                  per pair
                   (ii)  Silk and artificial silk     10 p.c.   10 p.c.  plus 9d
                                                                 per pair
                (e)  (i)  Apparel of all kinds (not to include artide.s of
                      wearing  apparel,  which  is  in the  opinion
                      of the  proper  Oflicer  of  Cttstom~, are  bona
                      fide worn clothing sent by persons abroad as
                      gifts  to  persons  in  this  Island  for  their
                      personaltJse and not for sale) complete or in-
                      complete, not particularly enumerated in
                      this Schedule                    15 p.c.    25 p.c. plus
                                                                  12/- per
                                                                  dozen articles
                   (ii)  Articles of  wearing apparel  which  in  the
                      opinion of the proper Officer of Customs,
                      are bona fide worn dothing sent by persons
                      abroad aa gifts to persons in this Island for
                      their personal use and not for Bale   15 p.c.   25 p.c.
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