Page 94 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 94

                                PRINCIPAL  STEAMSHIP  coNNECTIONs  BETWEEN  JAMAICA  .-~oNo  CouNTRIES  AnRo..u>.

                                                       Mails  conveyed.      Time in Transit.   Periodicity
                                                                                                of Service.

            11  United Fruit Co.  . .  Belize, Puerto  Barrios   Same as 2   1 day 22 hours to Belize   Every two or  three
                                                                           2 days  18 hrs. to Barrios   weeks
                                _____  ! _ _ _ _  _
            12      Do.     Cristobal, Limon,   .. I v~tter and  parcel mails for Canal Zone,  1 day 6 hrE. to Cristobal   Weekly (Wednesday)
                             Cristoba l, Fiabnna   Panama, Bolivia, Chili, Ecuador, Peru,  2 days  6 hrs. to Limon
                                                 Costa Rica; parcel mails for Nicaragua  7 days 6 hrs. to Habana
                                                 and  Venezuela ,  and  letter  mails  for
                                                 Cuba,  West  Coast  of  N icaragua,
                                                 Australia,  New  Zealand;  and  West
                                                 India Islands (every other Wednesday
                                                 if connexion can be made at Cristobal.)
                                                    ------------1--- --- ·-- 1--------
             13     Do.      Cristobal, Cartagena, Pto.   Let.ter  and  parcel mails for Canal Zone, 11 day  18 hrs. to Cristobal  Weekly (Thursday)
                              Colombia, SantH Marta   Pana ma, Bolivia, Chili, Ecuador, Peru,  3days 14 hrs. to Ca.rtagena
                                                 Costa Rica, parcel mails for Nicaragua  4 days 14 hrs. toP. Colom-
                                                 nnd  Venezuela,  and  letter  m ails  for   bia
                                                 Colombia,  West Coast of  Nicaragu,\, 15 days 14 hrs. to Santa
                                                 Australia,  New Zealand;  and  West   Marta
                                                 India  Islands (every other Thursday if
                                                 connexion can  be made at Cristoba.l.)
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