Page 74 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 74

TELEGRAPHS.                        71
                       STR&ET  COLLl;CTINO  DOXES 1  contd.
   34.  1\Iarescaux Road and Club Lane   45.  Hope and Trafalgar Roads
   35.  Hope und Oxford Roads       46.  Lady  ~lusgrave and  Trafalgar  Hoads
   36.  Retirement Hoad near Lyndhurst Road   47.  Beech,,ood A\·e. and Halfway Tree Rd.
   37.  Knutsford Park Gate         48.  Penn  and  Rodney  Streets,  (Admiral
   38.  King'~ If  u~c Gale             Pen).
   3811.  ~wimmcrs Pen and Waltham Park   49.  'panish  Town  Road  and  Old  Pound
          H~ s                           R~
   38b. Wtdlhnm Park and ;.;oiyne~ Ro,tds   iiO.  CouijlanL Spring Road and Four Roads
   39.  Bedford  l'nrk  Gat<'  on  the  Constnut   51 .  Mary  Brown's  Corner.   (Con~lant
        fipr·ing nenr Sandy Gully   Spring Road)
   40.  Bnrbican Hoad               52.  Grccuwich Road nod  New Lincoln
   41.  Papinc C'orncr                   Road
   42. Brcnl ford and Curphey Roads   53.  Jackson Road and  Giltress St., Rollio~t-
   4,3.  Grove & Central Roads. KE•ncot Lands   ton  Pen.
   44.  ~JolvnPs Hond and Tarnmt Lane
     Collce.tin~  boxes  ha,·e also  been  erected  in Savunmt-la-l\Iar.  Port Antonio, Montrgo.
   Bay and Spani~h Town.                        ·

     THE  Government Telegraphs are under  the control of the Postmaster for Jamaica.  nrc  now 200 Postal Telegraph and Telephone Offices distributed throughout the
   Island  connecting every town  or villngo of importnnce.  Additional offices will be opened
   during tho current year.
     In  nddit,icn,  the  Jnmnica  Government  Rnilway  with  a compliment of 48 Telegraph
   Offices exchanges telegrams with the Postal 'l'elcgrnph System.
     The charge for  telegrams throughout Jamaica is  ninepen.ce  for  any number of  words
   up  to  twelve,  and  a  half-penny for  every additional word.  The address and signatur&
   are both counted.  The charge is paid in poet age stamps affixed to the message.
     If the addressee reside within one mile of the terminal office  the telegram is delivered
   by  messenger  without  any  additional  charge;  but if  beyond  that  limit  the  following
   porterage  fee  must  be  prepaid:-
     At a  rate of 6d. per mile (one way)  counting from boundary of free delivery.
     The  above  rates  are  maintained  whenever  practicable.  If  me&engers  cannot  be
   obtained  at  these  rates  the  Postmistress  is  authorised  to  make  the  most  reasonable
   arrangement  possible.
     The charge for  the  transmission and for porternge of telegrams must be pre-paid.
     Persons  resident at n  place  to which  the  island  telegraph  line  has not  been extended
   can  benefit  by  its use  on  the  following  conditions:-
     a.  If 'the  words  "By Post" with  the  name  of  a  telegraph  station  be  written  on  a
   message  it  will  be telegraphed  to  such  station  nnd  forwarded  from  thence  to  its  postal
   address  by  first  post.
     b.  If a  letter marked "On Post Office Telegrnph Business" be sent by post to the tele-
   graph clerk at any stnt.ion the message enclosed will  be promptly forwarded  by telc{/rapll
   from sulch station.  In this case the letter by post must be registered and !he cost of the
   message enclosed  in  stamps or coin.  Telegrama  may  also  be  handed  to a  mail courier
   on his  way  to  a  telegraph  office,  but the  department  does  not  take  any liability for-
     c.  No  charge will be mode in either case for postage or registration.
     Telegrams  may be  sent to any port for outward transmission as letters.  The  senders
   must write "By Post" before addressee's name, nod the name of the terminal Telegraph
   Office  at  the  end  of  the  address.
     For example:-
     "By  Post" Brown,  12  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York, Kingston."
     In addition to the ordinary telegraph charge the sender must also pa.y  the poslnge fee.
     In  such  cases  registered  addresses  cannot  be  used.
     The  office  hours are  frem  7  a.m.  to  5  p.m.,  daily-Suodays  and  Public  Holidays.
     Night, Sunday and Holiday services may be obtained at the following rates-
     a.  After 6 a.m.  tmlil 8  p.m.,  double rate  for  telegram,  plus a  fee of 1/- to  each  clerk.
   handling the telegram and 6d.  for  the messenger.
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