Page 71 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 71

68                     TIOUSE  DELIVERY.

              D enomi-
               nation.           Dcsrript ion.                 Dnte of Issue.
                 ~d.   King George V.-grccn                    Nov.  3,  1927
                ld.         Do.   -t:~ll'lninc                 Mar.  15,  Hl29
                Jld.        Do.   -cho(·olule    .             J!m.  tS,  1929
                2d.   Scenery: c()IUIIIhU8 Cove, Grern and grey gr·ce ...   Nov.  4,  1932
                2ld.   Scenery: lll'HI' r •• ~tlrlon-pnlc blue :>nd greenish blue   Mar.  5,  1032
                3d.   Landing ~r Cnlur~thu,, J.i!) 1-myrlle-grc<'u nnd hluc   April  8,  1921
                4d.   Cathedral, Spanish 'l'o\1 n-brown :tud drcp green   Jun.   1,  1921
                6d.   Scenery:  Plicslnonn'ij  Hiver--purplc and grey bluck   l~cb.   4,  1032
                9d.   King Gcorgc Y.-muroon   .                l\!ar.   5,  1929
                1/-   :'itatue of Qur'<·n Vietnri:l- r  ng -yellow nnd rPd-orange   Dec.  10.  l!l20
                2/-   Admiral Rodney )lcmorial, Spanish Town- light bluu
                          nncl brown              .      . .     do.
                5/-   SN•ncry (" I•lf> nf Wunrl and W:~tcr")-blue and yellow-
                         orange           .                    April  15,  1920
               10/-    King Gror·ge V.-myrlle-J~rrcn     ..    ~lay  6,  1921
                All postage  stamps of  the  colony  arc  printed  on  the  Multiple  Crown l:>cript (C.A)
               water-mark paper.
                Va lur· of full set, £1  Os   5ld
                T he following is  11  desrription  of the lGng's Jubilee Commemoration fit.nmps sold from
               M uy (l to December ::n, 19:!5:
                ld.-lndigo and red. .       1
                1!d.- Deep ultramnnnc and slate black. t l('  G   v  w·  d   C   J
                6d.- Myrtle-green and indigo.   mg  eor~e  ,  m  sor  ast e.
                1/- -Slate-blue and  purple.
                                   Stamp  Vendor~.
                  W. N. Alberga, la Kingston Lane, Kingston
                  E.  D. Evans, 15 Devon Avenue, Cross Roads
                  C. G.  F:van", West Queen Rt reet
                  Jamaica Times Store, 8-10 King Street, J{ingston
                  M. Lindo, 8 Liverpool Street
                  ::vrrs. E. E. Matthcws, l!l South Road, Halfway Tree.
                  R. A. l\f arch, 29a West Parade
                  R. E. H. Nelson, Cross Ronds
                  Chin Pow, 179 Orange Street, Kingston
                  0. M . St~ele, North Street ancl  Luke Lane
                  J . A. Stewart, 21 Windward Road, Kingston
                  l'lliss M. S. Williams, 1 Kent Lane, Kingston
                                     ~l OUSE DELIVE.I~Y.
                               (KrNOSTON AND  LOWER ST. ANnl<EW.)
                 Correspondence  is  delivered  by  letter  carriers in  all  pu.rts  of  the City of Kingston,
               including Smith'•  Village,  Hannnb  Town,  Campbell  Town,  Franklin  Town,  Bro'~>'Il'l
               T o111u,  Passmore  To .. n,  the  northern  limits  of  Arnold  Road  and South c .. mp  Roa.d,
               includi1111:  the G<K·d<~in Lands, a nd to the eaijt of t.he city as far as Kensington  Road, four
               times daily,  viz., 8.30 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 1.30 p.m., and 4.15 p.m.
                Correspondence is delivered  in  Lower St.  An drew  as below:-
                F ro!.l CoNSTA!';'l' SPRtl'iG P ost Office nt 9 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.-
                ::-lo"m-Manor House.
                 Sou•rn-Mary Brown's Corner.
                 EAsT-Grant's Pen Road, Upper Wnterloo Road, Shortwood  Road,  Olivier Road and
               C b arlton Road.
                 WES'r- Manning's Hill Road , )l'os. 3  to 53 and  12 to 42.
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