Page 72 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 72

                From  IL\LFIVAY  TnEE PosL Ollicc nt 8.30 a.m. and  2 p.m.
                Non1·u- Mary .Dr·own's Corner on the Consl:a.nt Spring Road and the road leading to
               King's  Hou~c.
                SouTu-Oxford  Road,  not included.
                EAsT-:\'Intilda's Corner  and  Hope  Road,  from  Christ Church.
                Wk:sT-Carrisbrook on  Hngley l'nrk  Road,  i\folyncs ]load to  junction  witb  Tarrant
               Line, Old Pound Road nod Lyndhurst Road to juncLiou of Retirement Road, and " Ncsby
               Court," Red  Hills Road.
                l<'rom  Cnoss RoADS  Post Office 1•1.  0.15 a.m. and 2 p.m.-
                Nonrn- From Cross Roads Post Office, along Caledonia Avenue, up to Halfway Tree
               and  Hope Road to  Oxford  Hoad.
                SouTu-Torrington  Bridge  nnd  Slipc  Pen  Road.
                EAST-1fnrcscaux  Road.
                WssT-I•'rom Cross Roads, along Hetirerncnt Road to corner of Lyndhurst Road and
               Old Pound Road, including Brcntford Road.
                From JONES PEN l'ost Office ut 0 .30 a.m. a.nd  1.30 p.m.-
                Nonru- Penn St.rcet (not included).
                Sourn-Burnett Lane  and  Girling  Street.
                EAsT-Craig  Town  Gully.
                WssT-Trench  Pen  (not  included).
                F'rom WHITI'IELD PEN Post omce at 9.30 !\.m.  and 1. 30 p.m.-
                NonTa-Pound l'ton.d and Roussenu Road.
                SooTIJ~'5panisb Town Road to Nos. 64 and 113, Greenwich Farm.
                EAsT-Maxfield Park.
                WEa'l'-Walthnm Park Road.
                From  WrNDwAnD  ROAD  Post  Office  at  9  a.m.  tmd  1  p.m.-
                NonTu-Langston Road.
                SouTH-Sea Front.
                EAsT-Long Mounf.ain  Road.
                WEB'l'-Kcnsingfon  Road  (not included).
                From SPANISll TowN Post Office at 9.15 a.m. and 4.00 p.m.
                Nonnr-Highfield on Bog Walk Road and to Fcrndene on  Gordon Penn Road.
                SouTH-Burko Road & St .• Tngo Park, Barrett Street.
                EA.S'l'-Premises  adjoining  the  Rio  Cobre  IUver.
                WES'l'-Railway Lines, SL  Johns Road, Old Harbour Road and  beyond  the  Railway
               Une to Ellcrslie.
                  From MoNTEGO  BAY  Posl  Office at 8.10 a.m.  and  1.30 p.m.
                NORTH-Union Street along Kiug Street, Love Lane,  Orange Street to foot of Spring
               Hill, along North Street to St. James Street along Fort Road to Palm Beach.
                SoUTH-RAilway  along  River  Bay  through  Justice  Piece  to  Barnett  Roo.d  along
               Cottage Road.
                EAsT-Cotfage Road, Jackson Town along Doom Street to  foot of Brnndon  Hill.
                West-Palm Beach  along  the  Sea  to Railway.
                              TRAIN  P05T Of'FJCE 5 .ERVICE.
                Limit.ed  train  Post Qffices  are maintained  on the through  line  between  I\ingston and
               .Mont.ego  Bay  and  Port  Anfonio  where  postage  stamp~, efc.,  may  be  bought  and
               .. egraph  forms  obtained.
                            l?EDIRECTION  Of'  COI~RE5DONDENCE.
                The  Post  Office  onl y  undertakes  to  redirect  when  the
               letters  or  o t het• postal  packets cannot be redirected at the
               place of address.  H  does  not,  for  example, redirect postal pack~ts nd?rcssed
               to n  person  who bas temporarily  left his house, unless the house be left unlnbablte?; or
               addressed  to olubs,  hotels,  boarding houses, or lodgings; or delivered through a  pnvate
               le~ter box.
                Notices  of removal nnd applications for redirection must be sig!'ed by the persons  to
               " horn  the  packets to be  redil·ected  ar~ "ddressed.  Separate not1ces  must  be filled  up
               3f  it is desired  that parcels should  b~ redirect-ed.
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