Page 69 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 69

66                     POSTAL  ORDERS.
               at lbc "deferred"  rnlc  (1/2)  per word.  Every word in the telegram haa to be paid for;
               in  the caae of a  "deferred" telegram,  the instruction  "L.C.O." ie charged ae one word,
               aad  the  word  "Postmo.\Ster"  lms  ulso to be sent in  every case and musl bo paid for.
               FurLhcr details may be had from lho Chief M.O. Office,  Kingston.
                                  POSTAL  ORDERS.
                Af!Wunts of  poundage.- Post.d Orders nre sold nod cashed at nil Post Offices in Jamaica,
               and  in  I be  countries  mnrkcd  with  un  nsterisk (*) nbove,  which include the greater
               ~ortion or  lhe  13ritish  Empire,  except  Austrnlin.  These  orders  nrc  printed  on  a
               ~npcr bearing :m  "aii-O\'cr"  wntermnrk consisting  of  the Royal  Cipher- a  crown  and
               the letters G. ,. R., nnd  they  mcnsurc slightly less tbnn 7 in. in  length.
                The  ~otumissions charged  on  orders  issued  are  SB  followB:-
                      At 6d., la., Js. 6d., 2s., 2s. Gd.        ld.
                      At 3e., 3s. 6d., 4s. 6d., 5s.             I ~d.
                      At  7s. 6d.                               2d.
                      At S.~., 10s.                             2~d .
                      At 20s                                    1{c.i
                Poa/agr ,<ftamps AOixcd to Postal Orders.-The sender of a  poets!  order,  whether  made
               p!Ly:1ble  in  the  United  Kingdom  or elsewhere  (excepting  Canada),  may increase  ite
               vnluo  by an  amount not  exceeding  5d.  by affixing  postage  stamps not exceeding  two
               in  number to the face of the ordet·.  No  credit will  be given for  ~tamps which are  in
               excci!IJ  of two  or  which  arc affixed  elsewhere  than  in  the spaces  prov1ded.  Odd  half-
               pence  will  not be  pnid.  Stnrnps  perforated  with  initials or  marks,  or embossed  or
               impre~sed stamps cut out of envelopes,  post cards,  &c.,  cannot  be  accepted  for  th~
                Thl' vnlue of the  postngc stamps  of  those  Colonies,  etc.,  which  do  not use  terling
               currency is given in the following li!it.

                                                             Equivalent oi
                      Country.              Currency.
                                                          1d.  2d. l 3d.  4d.  5d.
                                                         j-  -  i------
               British Guiana                                         I
              Britisb Honduras  }   Cents of a Dollnr      2   4    8   10
               Newfoundland                                      6 1
              British Sornaliland    Anna (1 Aona-12 Pies)   J   2   3   4   5
              Iraq                   Fils of a Dinar       5  10   15 1 2()
              Ceylon                Cents of a Rupee       6  12  19  25  31
               Zan:tibar            Cente of a Ruoee       6  11  16  22  28
              Cyprus                 Piastres (40 Pius.s 1 Pia,tre)   !  ' H  2!   3  3t
               Fed. Malay States
               Nortb Borneo
                                    Cents of a Dollar
              Sarawak             l                        4   7   11  1 14   18
              St.raits Settlements
              Hong Kong             Cents of a Doll fir    8   16  I  24  32  40
              K enya and Uganda
              T anganyika Territory   Cents of a Shilling   10  15  25 , 35  40
              Mauritius           l                        6  12  18  1 24  30
                                    C<>nte of a Rupee
              Seychelles                                .. I
               Palestine            Mil~                   4   8  12  :  16  20
              Trans-Jordan           Do.                   1   8   12  17  21
              Trinidad              C!'nt• of a Dollnr     2   4   6   8   1  10
                Period duri11g which Orders arr pa,mble.-IC nn order be  not  paid  within  six  mCinths
               rom  the last  day of  the month  of issue, a  commission  equal to the original  poun<!Pge
               \vill  be charged.  The commission  thus paid  must  be affixed  in  postage stamps  to  the
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