Page 73 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 73

70           APPLICA'l'JOl'\S  FOR  llECAJ,L  OF  LETI'~:RS.

                A  110lice of ru 1o•·ol Jtold3 good for  three month$.
                The  De!Jarlment  does  not  undertake  to  divert,  at  the  Gcnornl  l'ost  Office,  letters
               addressed to one Post Office to nnotbcr Post Office in the island.  An effort will, however,
               be  made, as far as the exigencies of the Service allow,  to serve tbo public by delivering
               in  J(ingston  letters nddrcsscd  to 11  district Post Office  or  by directing  them  from  one
               office  to another.
                         APPLICATION.S  FOrl  rlECALL 0 1~  L ~TT Eil~.
                No let.ter, pnrccl or other postal pnckct can, when once it has been posted in a Post Office
               receptacle or accepted  for  trnnsmission at a  Post Ollicc,  be  tnken out of the post, even
               if application  be  made  for  it by a  person  who  eau  prove that  he is the sender,  .nthout
               the authority of the Go\·crnor.  Nor can it be detained or delayed at the sender's request;
               it  must be forwarded to its address and rnnnol be dh·crtcd to any other address.
                            PQIVATE LI:ITEI~ BOXE.S AND  BAG  ,
                Prh·atc  letter  boxes, nvnilnblc  for the subscribers' use  from  7  n.w.  till  5.30 p.m.  o~
               week  days  (and  also  for  two or three hours in Kingston  after the arrival of important
               oYcrsca mails)  may be rented for 12s, n year at the Post Offices of Kiugston, PortAntonio,
               Montcgo  Bay and ~Iandeville.  Letters nddressed  to the house  «ddrc88 of n person  rent-
               ing  a  letter  box  will  be delivered as addressed.  Only letters specifically n.ddressed to
               the letter  box or business address of of the box will be nssortcd in the box.
                Private bags.- By permission of tho Postmaster for JaJn~<ipa any person may have his
               letters conveyed by his bearer to and from the Post Office in a private bftg upon pnyment
               of ,an  annunl  fee  or one guinea,  the bng to be locked, one key being kept by the Post-
               master and one by  the owner of the bng; tbe bag to be  provided  by  the  owner.
                When  :1  prh·ate letter  bag is conveyed  by a  mail contractor a  further annual fee  of
               one guinea is  to  be  paid.  These  fees  1nust  be paid  in  ndvancc through the Postmaster
               or  Jamaica.
                                    PO.ST~ RE.STANTt:.
                '['be  Poste Restante or  General Delivery is intended solely for  tb~ accommodation of
               strangers and travellers and even  they may not use it for more than  three months.
                Letters addressed to  initials, or  to fictitious  names, or to a  christinn  nnme without a
               surname  are  not taken  in  at the  Poste  Rcstante,  but nre  treated  ns  undelivered nnd
               returned  to senders.
                          Period of ltctcntion of Poste Restantc Correspondence.
               ---------                           - T--
                      Origin.          At  l(ingston.   1  At District Post Offices.
               Places abroad            Four weeks         Eight weelu
               Local                    Two weeks          Four weeka
                               .STIU~ET COLLECTING  &OXJ.:.S
                Collocting boxes a re  to be found at the following places in  Kingston  and Lower St.
               Andrew.  (The times at which they arc cleared are stated on each.)
                1. King and North Streets    19. Jubilee Market, West Queen Street
                2.  Charles and East Streets   20.  Ornnge Street and P<•rt Royal Street
                3.  Kingston Gardens         20a. Princess Street and North Street
                4.  Fire Btigade Station     21.  Orange and Charles Streets
                5. Jamaica Club              22.  Franklin Town Police Station
                6.  Torrington Bridge        23.  Smith Village, Pcrcy and Wellington
                7.  Allmao Town Constabulary Stntion   Streets
                8.  Bouta Camp Road nenr North Street   24.  Campbcll Town, Liverpool & Hampton
                9.  Higbbolborn and Laws Streets   Streets
               10.  Park Lodge (Victoria Avenue)   25.  Woodford Park
               11. Brown's Town Constabulary Station   26.  Duke and Harbour Streets
               12. Tower Street and Elletson Road   27.  Manchester Square, South Race Couree
               13. Marine Gardens            28.  Laws nnd East Streets
               14.  Spanish Town Road and Bceston Street  29.  Rannab St. and Rose Lane
               15.  Parade, by Parish Church   30.  Arnold Road, north of Connolly Avenue
               16.  Princess and Harbour Streets   31.  Studley Park Road
               17.  Princess and West Queen Streets   32.  South Camp Road Hotel
               18. Jamaica Times Store       33.  Kingston and St. Andrew  Oorporatioll:>
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