Page 78 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 78


                 SouTHBOUND : A  mail-carrying  air  plane  flies  from  Miami,
             ·u.S.A.,  (via  Havana,  Cuba)  every  Tue:;day  and  Friday  at 8 .15
              a.m.,  arrives at  Kingston on  the same days  at 5.30 p.m.,  and  flies  to
              Cristoba.l (via Barra.nquilla, Col.)  on  Wednesdays and Saturdays at
              6.30 a.m., arriving on the same days at 5.00 p.m.

                 NoRTHBOUND:  A plane  flies from  Cristobal (via Barranquilla)
             ·every Wednesday and Saturday at 6. 30 a.m., arrives at Kingston on  the
             same  days  at  5.30  p.m.,  and  flies  to  Miami  (via  Havana)  on
             Thursdays and Snnrlnys  at  8. 00 a.m.,  arriving  on the  same  days  at
             .5.15  p.m.

                 EAST AND  WESTBOUND : A plane flies from  Kingston every Wednes-
             day at9.00a.m. for Port-au-Prince, Haiti and Santo Domingo City,
             Republic  of  Dominicana arriving  at latter place  at  1115 a.m.  on
             Friday.  Return plane flies from San to Domingo City to Port-au-Prince
             at  1  p.m.  on  Friday  and  arrives  at  Kingston  at  4.30  p.m.  on

                 Planes  fly  daily  from  Miami  to  all  points in the  United  States.
             Letters  for  New York  City,  N.Y.  are  due  to  reach  that  city  at  6
             a.m. on Fridays  and  ~Iondays.

                 On  pages 74-80  a  Schedule  will  be  found  showing  the routes  and
             times of arrival of air mails for  the principal  cities  of  United  States,
              Canada,  Mexico,  Central  America,  South  America,  and  the  West
             Indies;  also  the  air  mail routes  of  the London-to-Continent services
              (and  beyond)  which  are now  in  operation.
                 Am  MAIL  FOR  EUROPE  AND AY.RICA :-Letters are  forwarded  by
             air  to  New  York  City  to  connect  with  the  tranE-Atlantic  steamc~s,
             .affording an 8 to 12-day service to the United Kingdom and the Con-
             tinent,  depending  upon  the  speed  of the  vessels  by  which  forwarded
             .and  the timeliness of the  conne:rion  in New York.
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