Page 75 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 75

72                      C'i\ RLF:GRA:\IS.
              b.  After 8 p.m. tmlil 6 !l.m. double mte for the telegramiJ plus a  fee of 2/- to clerk
             handling  the telegram nod  l/·  for  the  messenger.
              c.  Tbo charges of 6d. nod 1;-,  respectively,  for  messengers refer only to telegrams  for
             delh·cry  up  to one  mile  from  the oflicc.
              d. On  Public  Holidays all  offices  MO  open  from  7  u.m.  ln  9  a.m.  nnd  telegrams
             are accepted at the ordinarv tt>cek dav roles during these hours.   ·
              A  ccrLilied  copy  of n  telcgrn.m  1m1y  be obtained on application to tho Postmaster for
             Ja.mtdca on payment of n fee  of 6d. If special search  is necessary the cost incurred  will
             be chtlrt;ed in addition.
              Inlnnd  telegrams ore retained on file for 3 months, and foreign telegrams for 6 mon1 hs.
              Abbreviated telegraphic addresses (inland) for use at any office, may be registered with
             \be  Postmaster  for Jamaicn nt a  cost of 5/- per annum,  or upon payment of £2  for  a
             perm!lnent  addre.,s
              Locnl  telegrams  from  authorized  Government officials,  members of  the  Legislative
             Council  and  other authorized persons on public busineS>J are transmitted free of charge.
              CADLEORAMS.-Ft•ll  rate  cablruram& for any part of the world may be banded in at any
             Telep;raph  Office  on  payment of ~he inlnnd charge in addi~ion to the nmount charged  by
             the cnblc company.
              Cnblegrams  addressed  to  the  Grl'at  Brit'lin,  Ireland  nod  Europe  will  be  routed
             "Via  Imperial,''  unless otherwise  marked  by  the  sender
              This  route offers  the nrlvantnge of tl direct, speedy and reliable service between Jt,mtdCt\
             and  the  Grout.  Britnin  llnd  Ireland  and  E urope;  it  is  entirely  British  owned  nnd
             operated  aud  touches only  Bl'itish  territory.
              PotroM  are  urged  to  mark their cablegrams ''Via Imperial," for which indicntion no
             charge is made
              DEFERIIED  CABLEGRAMS  in  plain  language are accented at half rates to  most narts
             of  the  world.
              WrREl.ESS  l\IESSAGE3  for ships at senare accepted for transmission through the D.W.I.
             Cable  Co.'s  Kingston  Station to ve81lels within a  radius of 300  miles  at a  rate of lOd.
             word.  Vessels  bt>yond this distance con be reached at increased  rates.
              Wireless messages for  Grand  Caym:1n  are  accepted  for  transmission  by  the  Direct
             West Jndlt\ Cable Company nt the rate of 1/- per word; deferred messages, 6d. per word;
             and night letter messages, 8/4 for n minimum of twenty five words.
              NronT t.E l'Tl.R cAliLES to countries in  Europe may be sent by posl from London.  These
             messages  must  bear  a  full  Postal  audrcss  and  the  words "Post London" which  are
             cha rged  fo1·  ns  Lwo  words.  A  gradm1led clu\rg" to  cover postn!(O  is 11lso  collected  on
             ordinary o•·  registered  mail by post or air.
              Rates and further parliculnrs on npplication.
              CAm,E  RATES.-Ordiflary.  "Via  Bermuda"  "V n  Bermudn  lmJ>erinl"  per  word,
             Austria,  3/-;  Belgium,  2/8!;  Canndn,  nccording to  location,  1/6  to  2/1; France, 2/8t;
             Germuoy, 219~; Great Britain nnd Jr~land, 2/4; United  Sfalcs11ccordingto location.l/6to
             2/1.  Coni incntal Rates subject to fiucluat ions.
              "Via Bermuda-Marconi" to Great Britain and Ireland, 2/2 per word.
              Deferred-To all  points  mentioned aboYe  at half the rates quoted.  'Jbcl!C  mess~ges
             must be in plain language :~nd must bear the prefi.'t, LCO (language of country of origin),
             LCD  (language  of country  of dispatch)  or  LCF  (French)  "hich  i~  charged  for  and
             signalled ns  the first. word in the address.  Such messnges must not  contain code worW.
             in  the tPxt,  though  registered en ble addresses may  be  used.
              Nigltt  Letter  Telegram3.  Minimum  2.i  words.  Gl'cnt  Britnin  nnd  lrelaod,  19/6;
             Canndn, Halifax 2nd Easll'rn provinces, 12/6 .o 13/11; Mnnilob:1 1  16/4; Western Provinces,
             17/5; Newfoundland,  16/ : Unitl'c! States of America, 12/6 to 17/5; ra tes t.o other countries
             on  opplicution.  The  prrfi.~  N.J •. T.  is  written befor!' t-he uddr~·s• nnd is chBrgcd for as
             one  word.
              Code  Langucge.- Code  tclegrnms,  dependent  on  how they nrc cxpres•rd, nre diYided
             into three ca.tegorics.  Rates and further pnrticulsrs on npplic~ti on.   ·
              Reply  paid Oab!es.-Replies to cables c~n be prep~id. the minimum p~<y nwnt being for
             three W( rds, at full rate.
              ALL  BRITISH  RouTE  TO  TilE  B.W.J.-'l'be  "All British" cable  to  the  British  West
             lncties is open.  Me..<sages for this route should be routed "Via D.W.I. Cable Co.,Ltd.''
             Rate 1/3 per word to British West Indian lslands only.  Deferred mel'•ages nd. per word.
              A  public telephone cnll office is established at CroSl>  Ronds Post Office.  The fee is 2d.
             for a  conver~a.tion not exceeding three minutes.
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