Page 53 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 53

                The following articles  may be imported only under spcciD I conditions, of which  p•lrti-
              culars can be obt.aiued from tho Official Secretary, Commonwealth of Australia, Austr!l.l.ia
              House,  Strand, London, W.C. 2:-Brushes composed  of hair ii manufactured  in  certain
              Eastern Countries,  cotton seed and  cotton lint; dyes not of British  origin; fruits,  hides
              and skins;  lymph and  vaccine;  meat and  meat  products; morbid  cultures and  viruse~;
              plants  and  parts  of  plants  other  than  tobacco plants; potatoes; spir its  (except
              when  sent  as samples or for the private  use of the lmpot•t er);
              tobacco, cigar s, cigarettes and snuff; sugar; vines.
                BEWIUM.-Samples of spirits in less quantities than  2 litres.
                BOLIVIA.-Brandy;  alcohol; tobacco  in any form.
                BR.  GurANA.-Spirit.s;  tobacco  (except  for  private  uso  of import-er).
                Br.  HoNDURAS.-Tobacco packed with other goods, tobacco sweetened, saccharine, etc.
                CAN"A.DA.-Spirituous and intoxicating liquors of all  kinds:  adulterated tea;  prison  made
              goods;  trade  labels  in  metal; skins and other parts of wild  birds;  bees,  used  or second-
              hand hive~, raw hive goods or products except honey or wux;  potutoes; all nursery stock,
              including trees, shrubs, plants, vines, grafts, scions, culliugs or buds except under permit
              issued  by  the Canadian  Depnrtment of Agriculture at Montreal.
                Ecu.ADOR.-Sugar cane,  bru11dy  or its combinations,  and  tobacco  (subject  to  restric-
                EouT.-Artificial tobacco; seeds and juice or extract of tobacco, raw or refined sugar.
                l<RHICE.-Tcbncco, except in limited quanl ities for addressee's use, essence of tobrcco;
                ITALY -Tobscco,  subject  to  special  restrictions.
                PANAMA.-Sweels, pnste, fats and substances which  easily liquefy.
                PEnv.-Tobacco  and  saccharine,  subject  lo  special  resh·ictions.
                PmLIPPIN£  JsLJ.Nos.-Snme as U.S.A., except thnt cigars and cigarettes are admitted
              without restrictions  as  to quantity contained  in single  package.
                Ronr.rANIA.-Tobacco,  subject  to  special  restrictions.
                SwEDEN.-'l'obacco,  spirits ::nd  wines,  subject  to specia I  restrictions.
                GREAT BmTAIN-I.  Rags and bedding; soiled clothing; shaving brushes mnde in Japan
              or exported  from Japan; hair of animals and wool coming from Asia or Egypt (including
              the  Sudan);  nil  advertisements concerning the trcatm~nt of venereal disenses or relative
              to  any  prepar:<tions  intended  to  prevent,  cme,  or  relieve them, except in the case of
              articles  addreRsed  solely  to  pmcHcing  physici~ns  or  to duly qualified ch~mists for the
              needs  of tlu ir  profession: See "Liste des objets interdits,"  p. 367 BI 2 (n)  (5);  liquids
              or  sublitnuccs  for  analy is  or medical  examination;  pnthological  specimens;  ten  unfit
              for human  con~umption;  ten  exhausted  or  mixed  with  other  subtsanccs,  cxcc·pt  by
              special  pcrmi~sion cf  the  Commi~sioners of  Cmrtoms  nod  Excise;  butter,  margarine,
              margarine  cheese,  milk,  cream,  and  condensed  milk,  r.xcept.  in  exccuLon  of  the
              provi$i('ns  of thl' laws r.nd rcgulaticns relative thel'('to, ''nd unle~s pack€d in bcrmctically
              sealed tins bearing a  compicuous  mark indic:>tiog  the na1 urc of their contents.
               JI.  Skins, hc·rns, hllofs or any other parts of Mttlc or other anim:,Js whose tran~mission
              may  be  prohibilrd  in  ordrr  to  prevent  the  propag:1tion  of  any  contagious  diEMse;
              See " Listc des ob jets interdits," p. 3G7 BI 3 (a) as  nmendl'd.
               III.  Firearms,  de~dly weapons,  and detached parts of such arms, except hunting rifles
              (unrifled),  air  rifles  and  air  carbines  and  the parts which compose them.  The articles
              specified  in  this  paragraph, are, however, admitted as an exception in the form of parcel
              post, mbject  to permission granted by the compc!ent British authority.
               IV.  F"lsc  or  counterfeit coin; ~ilver coin  of  Great Britain which  does not meet with
              the  leg:Jl  st~ ndnrd C'f  weight or fineness; imitations of  coin~, except by special permission
              of the Commi$siooer of Customs.
               V.  Articles  which  bear or are marked  with stomps, nnmcs or ot.her indications leading
              one to bdievc t.lutt  they  arc  guaranteed  or  s~ncf.ionrd by  a department of the British
              Government ;  nrticlcs  bearing  a  counterfeit  mark and  Rrticlt>s of foreign manufacture
              beurin~;:  a  name  or  a  mark  m·  supposed to represent the name or make of
              any manuf~ctur~r or merchant in  Great Britain  or  NNthern  Ireland, unless the name
              of  the country  in  which  the nrticlc  has been made is also indicated; gold or silver ware-
              not of standard Quahty; goods mndc  in  foreign  prison~,  with  the  exception  of  goods
              imported for o  non-commercial purpose  or gonds of p,  kind not manufactured  in  Gr~at
              Britain;  synthetic  orgnmc  dyes,  colours,  and  colouring  matters  prohibited  by  the
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