Page 48 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 48

                               Duty  Puy~ble o n  Rcpai1·.-,,  t:t<..
               Article:; of any description  m11y  be  sent  uway  from  the  island  and  re-ndmittcd on
              payment of t he  duLy on  Lho cost, if any, of repairs, dyeing or cleaning, or other r~ltera­
              tion or ndjustrocnt,  on  the  following  conditions  being  complied  11ith -
               I. 'L'he  e~porter sh111l  furnish  the c:hief officer of Cll!!loms with notice, and  with a suffi-
              cient  d~scription in  writing of  Lh~ :1rticles it  is  intended  to st·nd away,  and  if the chief
              officer  of  Custom~ shall  thiuk  it  Pxpedicnt,  t he  aniclc  Rhnll  then  be  inspected  by  >lnd
              shipped  under  the SUJWr•·ision  of the  propt·r l\fficcr  of Cu~toms.
               2.  On t he returu of Lhe urt.iclc so exported, or on the return of n il nrl iclc  not so exported
              but in respect of which it shall Le c~tublished to the sutisf:1ction of tbe chief officer that it
              is 1111 article which bad bren exportrd from t his island. such a rticle  ll13Y  be dclivcrtd upon
              the pa..<sing of the ncccs><nry  t·ntrit·s, nnd  payment of duty, uo  the cost of repair, etc.
              if nny, 11·hich  must be verified  by the prcduction of nu account  or  in oomc other way to
              Lhc s.\tisfaction  of the chief oOicer pro,·idcd in e1·ery case that  the identity of  the article
              is  eolablished to lbe satisfaction  of the chief offitX'r.
               3.  Th~ p3rcel post being in  the  majority of cases the  medium  through  v.hich articles
              are returned to the island, Collector~ Ill out ports must furnish to tlw Collector of Customs
              at Kingston a  list of nrticlt>s  st•ut nway to be returned ns  well >IS  Lhc  <.lt•scription  of any
              Mticles which bn\'e undergo~>c cxnrnination  before  being  sent  away in  order that such
              description  m'tY be recorded i11  :1 regiijter  kept nt  the  Post Office with n  view  to the iden-
              t ification  and admission Jut.y  froo,  or  on  payment of the duty on  the cost of t·epnirs, etc.,
              if  rtny,  on  their  return  to  this i~lnnd.
                                     lkfund of Du ty.
               Goods, wares nod mcrchnndisc upon 11 hich ~ny duty under Lnw 4 of 1H25, shnU  have
              been paid, on  its Lelng provt d  In  the sutisfuction  of the proper officer of Customs that
              a  mistake has been made 11nd  that such goods are nof  the goods ordered by the importer
              and that such goods ha\'e  be-en  returned  to  the exporter,  if duly C\')lortcd  11ithin  three
              months of their  first  i111ponntion,  shnll  rcccil·e a  drawback  of  the  full  duties paid  on
              importation.  Application for refund of duty $hould be  made r·n  lhc form  proYided  ior
              the purpose, which mny br had from  the Postmaster or Collector .
               . \ pplications for refund of duty mu~t be accompanied by thnt porti"n of the co1•er which
              bears the nddr£>ss,  the dut.y bbcland the declaration.
                        Special  Regulatio ns  (1).  ln.-,u1·ancc  of Parcel::..
               PMccls  for  places  ag1inst  which  H  limit of insured value is l'ntcr,·d in column 6 in the
              'I ublc of R ntt•s on  pngc" 54 to  63 C!l n  bt• insured.
               Insured  articles  have  all  the  safeguards• of  tho  registration  system:  and,  Sttbject to t he
              following  regulations.  co•npcnsalion  will  be  paid  if  an  insured  at·licle  or  any  part  of  its
              contents is lost or damaged  in  the posl.
               An insur.>d article ffi"Y not bt·  nddr.:.•sed t.o initi!ilS or in  reuctl.
               It mt y  not benr flDY r·r.t~ure or COIT~ction in the addrrss nt thl· time of p<>stinl!.
               :\  ct>rtific.tte  r•f  posting  must :tlw  ys  be  o bt •int·d  by  the ~l'nd,.r.  P.trticuhrs of the
              nroount  for  which  the  pare< I h  s  b ·en insurrd ~bonld b ! ent<•rtd <>n  the certific-tte, and
              the  sender  shwld  nt  C'ncc  •  .tiSf)' hims If th .t the entry is correct.  He may obt! an
              advice of  tbe delivery of an in~ured parcel. under the conditions shown nt  page 41.
               ,~11  the seals  on  ~n insured parcel must be' f the S3m<•  kind ,,f w l\ (<r lrt<d or steP! in
              the  case  of  parcels),  nnd mu't ben dii!tinct impressions of  the s <m" p1 iv:.te device.  A
              coin  may  not  be  used  for  seJling;  nnd  the  device  mny  no1  consist mrrdy of  ~tr:>ight,
              crossed,  or curved linrs which  could rc:tdily  b~ irnit<tted.  Each jr int or loose fbp of the
              covering  of  a  parcel  must  bo  se~led ;  and, if string bt• used· in  pttcking, a seal must be
              placed  on t he ends of the string whore th<y  arc tied.
               If an  article  tendered  for  insurnncc does not, in t he opinion  of the officer of the P ost
              Office to whom it is  tenderrd, fulnl the foregoing conditions M  to p1cking and scaling, it is
              his duty to refuse to insure it,  )ievertheless,  the  onus of properly enclosing,  packing. and
              sealing  t he  packet  lies  upon  the sender :  and the Post Office assumes no  liability for loss
              arising from  defects which may  nol  be observed at the time of  posting.
               T he  amount  for  which  !ID  nrticlr  is  insured  must  be written by the sender both in
              words  nnd  in  fiaurcs,  at  the  top  of  the address side of the cover, tbus:--"Insured fu
              fifteen  p ounds  (£'15)."  The  !lm ount  must  also  be  entered in the approprhte sp~ce on
              the  despatch  note,  if  one  is  used.  No  altcratioc  or erasure of the inscription on the
              letter  or  parcel  or  on  tht'  desp~tch note  is  allowed.  If  the amount is ent<>..rcd  on the
              dP.spo,tch  note in the wroog phlce, u  frl'Sb  despa\ch note must be prepared.
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