Page 43 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 43


     Tho dimensions,  mnke-up and  method  of closing are the same  as  for  samples;  i.e.,  t\
    "small packet" may not  be sealed  or closed against inspection,  and  it  may not contain
    any personal correspondence.  The name and address of the  sender  must  be shown  on
    the outside of the packet, and each  packet should be  marked  "Small Packet" in the left
    hand top corner.
      'l'he  greett  label  (Fonn  C  1.)  must be attached  to  each  such  packel.  The  countries  to
    which  "small  packets "  may  be sent  are  indicated by  the  letter (c) (itrrlicized)  in  Table,
    pp. 54-64.  The  limit  of  w!~ight of a  " small  packet"  is  2  lbs.
    Merchandize must not be sent to countries not so marked.  See also Appendix C.
     (g)  Parcel-Post Parcels.  See  pp.  42  to  51.
                     Prohibitions  i n  the  lkgular Mails.
     To  all  oversca  countries.- (a)  All  articles  cxclud~::d from  trnnsmission  in  the  inland
    mails,  as being in themselves, either from  their form or  nt~t.ure, liable to destroy or injure
    the  contents  of  the  mail  bags  er Lhc persons of t.hose engagrd iu the Postal Service, are
    prohibited  from  transmission  in  the  mails  exchanged with foreign countries, as are also
    poisons,  including  opium, and other narcotics, or explcsive and inflammable articles, and
    obscene  books,  pamphlets,  etc.
     (b)  Samples,  the  number  of  which mailed  to one r.ddressee by the same sender shows
    the evident intention of avoiding thr collection of customs duties.
      (c)  Articles  other than leUers and single post cards which arc  wholly unpaid.
     (d)  Packages  of  samples  of  merch<tndise  which  ccntnin  live  animals  And  ins~cts
    except bees, silk worms, and leeches, and which have a saleable  value.
      For  further detnils, consult  British Post Office  Guide,  Col.  8, Table of Rates  (letters)
    and "Liste des ob jets interdits."                            .
     Special  attention  is  directed  to the fact that all  articles 11rohibited  from  dis11atch  to Great
    Britain in  parcci·IJOst  mail  are also  excluded  from dispatch  by  letter-mail.  (See  "Liste des
    ob ets interdits," page 365, AI (b) also pRge 50 of this Guide for such  prohibitions.)
     See  Restrictions below ..
     Bank notes and currency·notes, coin,  postage stamps, bullion, precious stones,  jewels,
    * and other precious articles may only be sent by registered mail pre11aid  at  the letter rate
    of postage.  The  following is a  list of the principal countries which admit such articles
    in  their  registered  letter  mail:-Austria,  Australia,  Barbados,  Belgium,  Bermuda,
    Canada,  Canal  Zone,  Ceylon,  China,  Cuba,  Czechoslovakia,  Danzig,  Denmark,  E l
    Salvador, Fiji Islands, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
    Holland,  India,  Irish  Free State, Japa.n,  Luxemburg,  Mexico,  Newfoundland, New Zea-
    land,  Nigeria,  Palestine,  Paraguay,  Philippine  Islands,  Poland,  Puerto Rico, Rhode3ia
    (N. and S.), Russia,  St.  Lucia,  St.  Vincent,  South  Africa,  Switzerland,  United  States
   -of America,  and  Virgin  Islands,  U.S.A.
     Gold coin  exceeding £5 in  value  may  not  be  sent to  Great  Britain,  India  and
     Coin,  .iewelle1y,  precious  articles  a.nd  banknoles,  etc.,  should  not  be  accepted  for
    transmission by registered letter mail for  any country not named in the above list.
                        Qegistr~tion (Overseas.)  t
     Every  letter  or letter  packet  presented  for  registration  must  be  made  up  in  the
    manner prescribed at page 10 for inland letters or letter packets, and  must not  show any
    trace of having been opened and refastened before posting.
     "Small packets," packets of printed  papers,  commercial  papers and  samples  presented
    for  registration  must  be  made  up  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  unregistered  packets
    of these ea tegories.
     Conditions of Registrat.ion -No postal packet addressed  to initials or in  pencil (except.
    eopying  ink pencil)  is admitted  to  registration.
     Every letter  presented for registration must be enclosed in a  strong envelope securely
    fastened,  preferably  in  one  of  the  registration  envelopes  sold  by  the  Post  Office.
     It is recommended that t.he name and address of the sender be  written on the outside
    <:~f  every  registered  postal  packet.
     Registered  packets must  be prepaid as regards both  postage and registra tiou fee.
     Packets to  be  registered  must be given  to an officer of  the Post Office,  and  a  receipt
    obtained for  them;  they must on no account be dropped into a  letter box.
     * See definition  of term  " jewellery," page  11, par. 12.
     t  Condit-ions  governing  registration  of  overseas  correspondence  cliffer  from  those
   .~overning inl~Lnd correspondence.  See  page 10.
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