Page 45 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 45

42               OVERSEA  MAILS:  PARCEL  POS'l'.
     An insured article may not  be addressed to initials or in pencil.
     It may not bear any erasure or c0rrcction in the address at the time of posting.
     A certificate of posting must always  be obtnincd by  the  sender.  Particulars  of  the ·
   amount for which the letter has been  insured  should  be  entered on the  certifictlte, and'
   the sender should at  once sat.isfy  himself th1tt the  en try is correct.  He  may  obt!1in  an .
   advice of the delivery of an insured letter under the conditions shown at page 41.
     All the seals on t.hc  insured letter  must be of the same  kind of  wax, and must  bear
   distinct.  imprc.~si ons of  the  same  private  device.  A  coin  may  not  bo  used for sealing;
   and  the  device  may  not  consist  merely  of  straight.  crossed.  or  curved  lines which  could
   readily  be imitated.
     If an article tendered for insurance does not, in the opinion of the  officer  of  thn  Post
   Office to  whom it is tendered, fulfil the foregoing condiHons ns to packing nod scaling, it
   is his duty to refuse to  insure it.  Nevertheless, the onus  of  IJrorJerly enclosing,  packing,
   and  sealing the Jlacket lies upon the sender; and  the Post  Office assumes  no  liability for  loss
   arising  from  defects which  may not  be  observed at the time of  posting.
     The amount for which  an article  is  insured  must be  written by  the sender both in
   words and in figures, at the  top  of the  address  side of the  cover, thus:-"Insmed  for
   fifteen pounds (£15)."  No alteration  or  erasure  of  the  inscription  on  th<l  letter  is
     Jo letter cnn be insured for more than  t.he actual value of the contents and  the pack-
   ing or for more than the sum entered in the Table of Rates (pp. 54-63) against  the name·
   of the Country or Colony to which it is addressed;  but it  may be insured  for part of its
   value.  An injured  letter containing documents of  value  on  account of the  cost  of  their
   preparation (e.g., plans, estimates, contracts. etc.), may  not  be  insured for  nn  amount
   exceeding the cost of replacing  them  in case  of loss.  Over-Insurance  is  an  obstacle  to
     The sums payable for  insurance. including  registration.  arc as follows:-
   -F~e~  ~;~~~n~-~        Fee  Co~~~~~[ion.    Fee.  Co~~~~ts~{ion.

      s.  d.     £         s.  d.    £          s.  d.     £
      0  7       12        5  7      156        10  2     288
      1  0       24        6  0      168        10  7     300
      1  5       36        6  5      180        11  0     312
      1 10      48         610       192        11  5     324
      2  3      60         7  3      204        11  10    336
      2          72        7  8      216        12  3     348
      3  1      84         8  1      228        12  8     360
      3  6      96         8  6      2<LO       13  1     372
      311       108        8 11      252        13  6     384
      4  4      120        9  4      264        13  11    396
      4  9      132        9  9      276        14  4     400
      5  2      144                            -~--._ ____ .. _..._
    Legal  liability  to  give  compensation  in  respect of any  letter  for  which  11.11  insuran~ ·
   fee  has been pai<l  will  not attach to  the Postmaster for Jamaica either personally, or  i::;
   his official capncity.  The final decision upon all questions of  compensation rt'sts with  1be -
   postal administration  of the country  in  which  the loss  has  taken  place.
                            PAIKEL  POST.
    A Parcel Post exchange exists between Jamaica and  the countries agaiMt which  parcel
   post rates of postage a re shown in cols.  7 to 11,  pnges 54  to 63.   P:ucel post busines!>  is.
   trans~ cted at all Post Offices.
    The  pa.rcel  ma il  for  Great  Br1tdn,  Northern  Ireland  and  Irish  Free  Stnte,
   United States of America, Bermuda, British  Honduras, Canal  Zone,  Canada,  Costa Rica,
   Panama,  British  West  India  Islands  and  British  and  Dutch Guiana (via  Trinidad and
   Barbados),  and  the  Bahama,  Cayman  and  Turks  Islands  is  forwarded  by  each.
   available direct opportunity.
    The parcel mail for  Boli,·ia, Chile,  Ecuador,  1\icaragua, Peru,  and  Venezuela  is  for-
   warded via Panama, and for El Salvador, Guatemala, and Republic of Honduras vin British.,
    Parcels for  the majority of other countries are forwarded  via  L<lndon.
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