Page 50 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 50

              or when the Po~t Office cannot acMunt for a  packet in C!'~cqucncc of the de.,truction  of
              l'ffirial documcn•s fr"m any Auch OHJ•c.
                The fee mu•t b·  prt•p lid, in  addition  to the lull  postage. by  means  of  postage  stamps
              which Lhc sender mu~t ufiix to thr ro>vrr.               '
                \ s  few stn mp~ M  pn$sibll' ~hnuld be used to  prepay  the  postage  a nd  insurance  fee.
              They  m~y not  b~ folrJc•d over tht' c•dgc of  the cover;  and  whL•n  sc•veral stamps are used,
              th •Y  must bJ ~ffixc<.l wi  h Rpao ·~ bctwron  them.
                \Vhrn nn in:<ured parcel is rrclircctrd from ono cc>Untry to nnot.bcr,a further  insuranc~ Ieo
              b  come$ p!lyub!c for e:tr h such  tmmmi•~ion.  If the fees:uo not !li'Cpaid they urc collected
              f:om the addressr.t> on d•livt'I'Y·
                           Special  Rcgulations :-11. Great  ~ritain,
                A.-Cash on Delivery  S!iatcm.  A  Cash on Delivery System of parcels is in  existence
              bo.ween this Colony  and Gr~nt Britain.
                Parcels up to tbe value of £ 10 each may be sent either way, and the value eoUected from
              ~be addressee, and remitted  to  the sender.
                In addition to the 6d. Customs clearance fee,  :1.  further ser vice  fee of 3d.  is coUected
              on  each  C.  0.  D.  parcel.
                :\ Cash on Delivery parcel may  only  be retained at the ollico of destination for 15 days
              fr<~~n the  date of arrival, after  which  if  unclaimed it  is  forthwith  returned  to  origin.
              't'his fact is  emphasized  hcc 111>e  certain  firms  nbrond  represent  thnt C.O.D. parcels are
              c·ct~iued for  :1  longer  period before being returned.  Requests for longer detentions will
              not be entertained, nor will  vart vaymont be accepted from the addressee; the full  amount
              of duty, trad~ charges, and nil other fees  must be remitted to the head office before the
              p,\rcel cnn  be forwarded.
                B.-Prepayment  of  Customs  Duties  and  other  charges  on  Parcels  Post  Parcel&  to
              (heat  Brillin.  Persons  sending  parcels  to  Gr<'nt  Bri ain  may,  if  they  so  desire,
              take upon themseh-es the prepayment of the Customs duty and other charges which  in
              ordinary  cases  are  le,•iablc  on I be addressee.  The sender "ill be  told  &t  the -time of
              postinr; what the approximnlr amount of the-e charges will be  and a  deposit will be taken
              of the e.stimnted amount.  A settlement will subsequently be made when a statement  of
              tbc  total amount of the charg~s has been received  from the  Bfitish  Post  Office.  The
              following  are  tbe  conditions:-
                Parcels to  be  sent  under this arrangement  must  be  handed  in  at the  Parcels Post
              Branch at Kingston, or :~t any distc·ict post office.
                The cover must be murkccl  by the sender "To be delivered frc~ of chongc."
                The sender  must fill up nncl sign n  formal undertaking to pay on demand the  amoun t
              of  the  charges due.  Forms for this declaration may be bad ou npplic .lion to the Pa.rccl
              Post Bmncb at Kin~ston.
                Parcels for free delh·ery will ouly be nccepted from persons whosP sett led residence is in
              Jamaica.  If the sender  i.,  residing  only  temporarily  in  Jamaica  a  parcel  cannot be
              accepted for delh·ery free  of charJI~.
                A fee of ls. per parcel is charged for the  cost of the service  in addition  to the posta,:e
              and  deposit  for  duty.  If the  parcel  prove  duty-fret'  in  0 1'1•.  t  Brit a in  the  sum  of
               ls.  \Vill  be refunded to  the sondcr.
                The sender must make such deposit on account of the charges for  which he desires to
               provide as the clerk  in  rhnrge  nf the  Parcel  Post Branch at  l{ingston  or the district
               postmaster may, in each case, rlecidc.
                One  form  of  underlnkiug will  suffice  for two or·  three (but  not  mo•·c)  parcels posted
               together by the S!1me sender to the same ::~ddNssee.  In such C!lSC~ the fee  will be  ls. for
               each  parcel.
                T he  following  a re  tbe  articles  lbblc  to  duty  under  the  British  Tarifi  which
               arc likely to be despatched from Jnmaica by parcels po~t. lngclhcr with lh~ rate~ of duty,
               (and in the case of tob110co, of cel'tain fines)  thcrcon.  'Jhe~ rates are &ubject to considcr-
               able  change  and sl.ould  be read  a~ opprorimatr:-
                                                                  £  s.  d.
               Coffee, kilo dried, roasted or groumi     per lb.   0  0  2
               Tobacco, manufactured, viz.:
                  Cigars                                          0  14  2t
                  Cigarettes                                      0  11  5t
                  Cavendish or Negrobcad                          0  10  Q}
                  Other manufactured to hac~o             "       0  9  4t
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