Page 54 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 54

OVERSBA  ~L\.lLS :  Sl'F.Cl AL  PROHfBl'l'IOXS.   51
            dyestuffs  import  regulation  act  of  1920  mny  be imported  in the form of  parcel post  if
            accompA nied by-''· permit issued by the Board  of Trade.
              VI.  Live  nnimnls,  with  the  excepticn  of bees, leeches  and  silkworms  plnced  in wcll-
            con!';tructed  boxe~;  tobacco  stalks,  manufactured  or  not,  tobacco-st:tlk  flour  and
            preparations  of s nuff, PX~cpt by permission  of the  Commissioners  of  Customs;  c~t and
            compressed  tobacco  mixed  with  other  substances:  (See  " Liste  des  objets  interdits,"
            p.  371);  Sllcchnrine. mixtures ccntaining  saccharine  and  other  substances  of  a  similr r
            nature or  use; extracts, esocnces or other conccntmtions  of coffee, chicory,  tea  or  tobacco
            or  other  mixtures  cf t110se  products; Articles  bearing on  the  outside  or  in  the  address
            words, marks or d esigns (dmwiog) which in the opinion of the P ostmaster  General, might
            embarrass  the  postal  ngent~  c.1llcd  upon to  handle  such  articles;  circulnrs;  fictitious
            stamps  and  dies,  plates,  instruments or mntf?rinls  intended for the mnnufncture of such
            stamps;  coins  coined  in  a  foreign  country, other  tha n  gold  or silver:  See "Liste  des
            ob jets interdits,"' p. 37l m, G (a.)  ( 19): coin, precious stones, jewellery, and any articles
            of gold, silver and platinum, in  uninsured parcels coming from countries which a dmit
            insurance.  Coins of a  value  higher  than £5 (except with a declaration indicating that
            they are intended to serve as ornaments), gold in  ingots  of  a  value  higher  than  £ 5,
            and silver in  ing ots or silver partially worked  of a  value  higher  than  .£:20, even if the
            shipment  of coins or ingots, etc., is made as nn insured  parcel.
              UNITED S-rA-ras  O!i'  A~tERICA.-Letters;  ndunera'ed  food  and  drug~;  coUon,  cotton
            seed  and  products of  cot ton  seed  (except  oil,  and  und~r certain  conditions,  by  P arcel
            P ost  only,  samples  of  raw  or  unmanufactured  cott(n  and  cotton  was'e); feathers  and
            skins  of  wild  birds  (except ostrich  feathers)  unless for  cducntion:d  or  scientific purposes;
            films  or  pictorial  representations of  prize-fights;  live  bees;  poisons;  prison-made goods;
            spirit u o us,  vinous, ferm e!'lted,  malted  a nd  ot her in tox icat i ng
            liquors; s tupefying d r ugs .
              The importation  of the  following  articles  is  subject  to  special  restrictions:-arms;
            cereals; cotton, cotton seed a nd products of cotton seed (except oil)  plants, parts of plants
            bulbs,  et.c.;  pota tres;  "gt>ound  provis io n s, "  suc h  as yams,  " coco"
            (not chocolate cocoa);  sealskin  in nny form; sugar-cane; unprepared fruit and Yegetables:
            virus,  serums,  toxins  and  analogous  products.
              See r~•ge 46 in  rcsprct of exportation  of  c igars and cigarettes.

                               Special Prohibi tions (Im por t) .
              Unless  previou~ written  permi.ssion  lta.s  been  obtained  from  the Direcror  of Agriculture
            of Jamaica, it  is prohibited  to import into Jamaica  by parcel-post  mail the following:-
              Bees,  honey, a nd  material used  by bee raisers; boots used  previously  !by  "·orkmen on
            banana plantations;  cotton and  all plants of the cotton plant; all plants nod varieties of
            gossypium;  a nd a ll othe r  p la nts o riginating  in any country  other
            than G r eat  Britain.,
             The  written  permit of  the  Director  of Agriculture  which  t.akes  the  form  of a  label
            bearing particulars of  the  permit  and  the seal of  the  Department, must be forwarded
            by the importer  to  the supplier who shall attach  it  to the package containing  the plant
            to  which  the  pe·rmit  relates.
              Fruits and vegetables  (except dried or  processed  fruits  nod  l'egetable.s,  grains,  seeds,
            and  Irish  potatoes)  prohibited in  the  mails  to Jamaica  from  the  United  State~,
            unless  accompanied  by  a  certificate  issued  by a  representative  of  the  United  Statea
            Department  of Agriculture  attesting  that the  products  are  home  grown  and are  the
            products  of a  State in which  the r.ofediterranean  fly (Ceratitis captiata),  does not exist.
             The  following  articles  are  absolutely  prohibited:- Coffee;  rum;  shaving  brushes
            manufactured in  Eastern countries, as well ns  those exported  from  those countries; oitru•
             It i~  alao  prohibited  to  import  Tubercul ozyne  or  a n y  other a lleJied
            aure f or cons umption, unless undet  license granted by the Govel'nor and •ubieet
            'a the oonditions of such license.
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