Page 51 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 51

               Tobacco, unmanufnctured, cootniuiog 10%  or more of moisture   £   $.  d.
                  rr stemmed or stripped                 per lb.   0  7  5i
                  If uolltemmcd or unstripped    . .      "        0  7  5t
              Tobacco, unmanufactured containing less lhan 10% of moisture
                  If stemmed or stripped                   "       0  8  3~
                  If uostemmed or uostrippcd               "       0    2i
               Rum,  if warehoused for 3  years       prr proof gallon   3  13  10
               Do.  if warehoused over 2 and under 3 year&   "     3  14 10
               Do.  if warehoused under 2 years           "        3  15  4
                Parcels  will  be  accepted  in  Great  Britnin  for  delivery  in  Jamaica  free  of Customs
              duty on conditions similar to the  foregoing.  Such  parcels are liable t.o CXIImination  on
              nrrival for Customs purposes,  und all  pains and  penalties attaching for  unden•aluatiou
              or misrepresentation of content-'! or to prohibited goods will be enforced against the goods
               themselves or against the parties assuming the  charge, as may be decided by the proper
                C.- Compensation  for  loss  or  damage  of  U NINSURED  parcels  between  G1·eat  Britai11
              and Jamaica.  The Postmaster for Jamaica. will (uot in consequence of any legal liability,
               but voluntarily, and as an net of grace) give compensation for (.be loss or damage of unin,
               sured  parcels  scut  by  parcel  post  b~tween Onmt  Britnin  and  Jamaica,  when  such
              loss or damage takes place while the parcels arc in his custody, and does not arise from any
              fault  or neglect of the senders or from  the nature of the contents.
                The compensation paid  will in no case exceed £1.
                The compensation payable will be in accordnnce with the general regulat.ions as regards
              insured  parcels  (see  above),  so  far  as these  regulnti(lns  arc  applicable.
                D.-Umklivcred Parcels.  Undelivered  parcels  originating  in  Great  Brit~tin  are
              returned to the senders at their expense unless the sender has indicated by a note on the
               parcel that he wishes it  to be abandoned in the case of non-delivery.  The sender may also
              direct that a  parcel, if undoliverable at the fmt address,  may be delivered at a  second
              address.  If not delivered at Lhc second address parcels will be dealt with ns above stated.
              They are held  for  15 days  for each address before  being disposed of.
                Fer Pro hi bition~, ~ee prgc 46, 50 and 51.
                       111.-United States of America and the Canal Zone.
                Cigars  and  cigarettes  n1e  admitted  to  the  United  States  through  the  parcel  post
              on condition that cigars weighing more  than 3 pounds per thousand arc put up in boxes
              (new)  not before  used for  that purpose,  containing respectively,  3, 5, 7,  10, 12,  13, 20,
              25,  50,  100,  200,  250,  or 500  cigars each;  and  that cigarettes  (including  small  cigars
              weighing  not more t.han 3  pounds  per  thousand)  nie  put  up  in  packages  or  parcels
              containing 5, 8, 10,  12, 15,  20,  24,  40, 50, 80, or 100 cigarettes each.
                Letters,  post cards and  written  matter of the nat urc of personal correspondence mud
              r1ot  be  enclosed  in  a  parcel.
                If such he found the letter  wiJI be placed in the mails, if separa ble; and, ii the lcUer ba
              inseparably attached, the whole package will  be rejected.  If, however, nny such should
              inadvertently be forwarded, the country of de.~tinn.tion will collect double rate of postage.
                A pnrcel  may not contoin any other p~rcel intended for delivery at an address other
              than that borne by the parcel itself.  If such enclosed parcel be detected it must be sent
              forward singly, charged  with  new and distinct parcel post rates.
                A parcel for United Statesnnd Canal Zone may be regiatered on like conditions to those
              that govern the registration of other correspondence; and on  payment of the sum of two
              peuce additionul to the first cbr.rge the sender Clln obtain a receipt for such parcel from the
              addressee,  but  parcels  for  the United  States and the Cannl  Zone  ma.y  not be  insured.
                Parcels must be so carefully packed as to be S!lfcly  t.ransmitled in the  mails of either
              country, both in going to the Post Office of cxch:mge of the country of origin, as wellns
              to the office of address of lhc country of destinntion.  Parcels may be scaled or fastened
              by means of n::lils and screws.
                There is collected from the addressee at time  of delivery  of every parcel post  package
              a  delivery  fee of 5 cents nnd a customs clcamnce charge of 10 cents in  addition to  any
              other charges accrued.
                If more than one parcel is sent at one time to one addressee, the sender should number
              the pa.rcels consecutively and should indicate on each parcel the number of parcels forming
              t he consignment.  For instance, if the consignment consists of three parcels, the parcels
              should be numbered "l/3,"" 2{3,""3/3," respectively.  If the value of the goods (exclu-
              sive of papers such as stocks, bGnds, etc., of uo commercial valnP.)  conb.ioed  in a  parcel
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