Page 55 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 55

52            OVBI!SEA.  MAILS :  rtA'rE~S  OF  POS'l'AGE.
                           Ral£8 of Postage from Jamaica and limiill of size, etc.
                                 J.  RAT E5  Of  P05TAGE.
               LETTERS        2~d. or 1 ~ d. for  the first oz. and  H d. or 1 d. for each additional
                                 oz., according to destination (see separate  entries  in  'l'able
                                 following, col. 2).
                Hi!3  Majesty's  Forces  abroad  and  0 11  lmul,  the  rNto for  letters is  t he  ordinary  ra te for·
               the count ry of destination.
                His  ilf ajesly's  Ships  out.lide  home  waters,  t he  ral.e  for  letters  is  12d. for  the  first oz.
               nuJ  ld.  for each  additional oz.  Lel<ters ~bould be addressed:- H.iVI.S.  (na me of  fihip),
               c.o .  G.P.O.,  London,  E.C.  1;  if  addressed  direct  to  a  foreign  port, instead  of c.o.
               G.P.O., London,  the rate \\~ 11 be  the ordinary  rate  for  t.bc country  of destina tion.
               POST-CARDS              Single,  Jd. each: Reply paid,  2d . each.
               SMALL PACKETS  ..       5d. for first 1 0 oz. and  1 d. per 2oz. thereafter.
               PRINTED PAPERS  ..      ~d.  per  2  oz.
               COMMERCIAL PAPERS       2~ d. for first 10  oz.  and ~ d.  per 2  oz. thereafter
               SAMPLES                 1 d. fol' first 4  oz. and ~d.  per  2 oz. thereafter.
               REGISTRATION FEE        2d. for  all  articles.
               ADVICE  OF DELIVERY     2cl.  (for registered and insured articles only).
               INSURANCE FEE           5d.  for every £12  of value.
               "BLIND  LITERATURE"     Up to 2 lbs ~d; 5 lbs.  Id.;  8  lbs  J!d;  11 lbs. 2d.
               PARCEL  POST  PARCELS   See columns 7-11 of Table following.
                                  11.  LIMITS  O F  WEIGHT.
               LETTERS                 4  lbs. 6  oz. to all destinations.
               SMALL  PACKET S         2 lb.
               OTHER ARTICLES          See separate entries in Table following- col 4 &  5.
                E xcept.ionnlly, a printed volume for  any  destination  abroad  may  weigh  ns much as.
               6? lbs.
               PARCEL  POST PARCELS  . .  lllbs.  or  22  lbs.  as  noted  in  columns  10  and  If
                                          of Table.  Exceptionally,  the  limit  for  Canadae
                                          nnd India is 20 lbs.
                                    Ill.  LIMITS  OF  SIZE.
                  T o Foreign Countries in the Postal Union: 3  feet in  length,  breadth p.nd  depth.
                  combined, but greatest dimension may not exceed 2  feet.
                  To British Empire:  2 feet in length by 18  in. in width or depth.
                  To all destinations, if in roll form:  3 feet 3 in. in length and twice diameter, but
                  greatest dimension may not exceed 2 ft. Sin.
               POST-CARDS              SI by 4! in. (15 by 10.5 centimeh·es).
               SMALL PACKETS           Same  as  letters  but  no  exception  for  Britisb
               SAMPLES                 To Foreign countries:  Same as Letters.
                                       To  British  Empire :  2  ft.  in  length  by  1  ft.  in
                                          width or depth.
               PARCEL POST  PARCELS  , .  Parcels  may not  exceed  3~ feet for length breadth or
                                          depth, and 6 feet for lengt h and girth combined.
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