Page 54 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 54

           The  charges Cor  the tmnsmission !lnd  for porterage of telegtnms must be pre-pnld.
           Persons  resident at a  pboe to  which  the island  telegraph line has not beene:~tended
         aan b11nefit  hy  its use on  the following  condit.ious:-
           ''· It the word:'!" By Post" with the Dl\m!! or a  tele~.,'l'e.pb sl'l.tion he  writtllu on  a  me..~age
         Jt  will  be  l6ls(lraph6d  to auch  station and forwarded  from  thence  to  il.s  posl41  address
          by 6ret post.
           b.  If a letter marker! "On Poat Office Telegraph BuaiMss" be s~nt b71  po~t to the  wle·
         gnlpb  clerk at Ill\\' st·lf.ioo  tbe me.'!-SRgc enclosed  will ha promptly ftJrwarded  bJJ telegraph
         from suoh st.~tt.ion.  [n  t.bis case thA  let!.11r  by post must be registered f\rld  the cost of  the
         me-ssage  enclosed  in  stJt!Ups  or coin.  •rele~ram.s ma.y  11lso  be hM(led  LO  a  mail courier
         on  his way  to a  telegr..pll  office,  b11t  the  departmrnt  does  not take  any Uability for
           c.  No charge will  be made in either c!lSe {or postage or registratioa.
           Tel••gr• 1ms  m&)  b~>  srot  t.o  uny  port  for  outward  tr'l\nsmiS!ion  as  letters.  The
         aenders must write "  By post" before illJdtas~ec's ni\Uu.•, .t.ntl the name o£  the te.rwinal
         Telegraph Office ut the end of  the address.
           For example:-
             "B.v Post,  Brown,  12 Fifth Avenue  New York 1  King:~ton. ''
           In 1\ddition t.o  the ordinary telegraph charge the sender must also pny ~he postage fee.
           In such  cases  registered  addresses  cannot  be used,
            The  office  hours  are  from  7 a.m.,  to  5 p.nt.,  du.ily-Su.uday:~ and Public  Holidays
           Night, Sunday 11nd Holiday aervices ma.y be obtained !\t the following rates:-
           a,  After  6  a.m.  1~/Mil  8  p.m.,  double  rule  for  t.elegram,  plus  u fee  o{  1/  to  ea()a
         clerk hAndling tb~ ll'IP~mm and  6d.  for  messnnger.
           b.  After  8  p.m.  tl1llil  6  a. m. double rate for the telegrams  plus  n fee o( 2/  to  eAOh
         (l!erk banolllng the telel(ram A.nd  1/ ror  the messeuqer.
           e.  The ehru-ges of l)d. and  1/, rei!peotivcly, for  rneS<~engers refer  only  to  telegtalll!J  ro:
         delivery up  to  one  mile  from  the  office.
           d.  On Public Holidays all  offices  Me  open froa1  7  11.m.  to  9  u..m.  and telegrams are
         accepted at the ordinary week day rates dtu•il'lfllhe38 hour3,
           A.  certified  copy  of  a  telegl'am  may  be  obtAined  on application  to for
         Jamaica on payment or a ree of Od.   If special search is necess~rt the cost incurred will
         be charged in addition.
           Inland tele nams are retained on file for 3 months, and foreign telegrams for 6  months.
           Abbreviated telegraphic addresses (inland) for use nt any office, may be registered  with
         the  for Jamaka  at a east or 5/- per annum,  or  upon  payment  of  £2 for  u
         permanent address.
           Looal  telegrams  from  authorir.ed  Government  offioi.ats,  ruembers  of  the  Legislative
         Council and other authorized persons on public  business  are t.ransm.itted rree of cbar!(e.
           CABLEGR.A.IdB.-Pull tale calllt{II'G1118  for any part ot the world may be handed in at any
         Telegraph Office on p&yment of the inland elw.rge in addition  to  the  amount ol.w.rged !Jy
          the cable  company.
           "Cnble~rarns addressed to the United Kingdom and lrtlland or Europe  will be  routed
         "Vis Imperial.'' unle!!S  ot.herwise  marked  b)'  the sender.
           This route offers the advantage of 11. diroot, speedy and reliable S01-vi0e  between  Jamaic·a
          and the United Kingdom and Ireland, anJ Europe: i~is entirely British owned  und  operated
         and  touches only  British  territory.
           Patrons are urged to mark their cablegrams  "Via Imperial," tor  which  iudioatioo  no
          charge is made.
           DEI"BB.R!:Jl  C.&.BLEGBA..'\lS  io plain  language  are  accepted  at ha.!f rates  to most parts
          ot the world.
           W.!!W~o: ~ND LETTER  CAllLEGnuts in plain langunge ue accepted ror the 011ited King-
         dom and  Ireland,  United  States,  Canlldu.,  Newfoundland,  Ha.lifa~, )i,S.,  Bermuda,
         Turks Island, and certain European countries.
           WmEu:as  MESSAGES for ships a.t set1 are accepted for transmission through the D. W.I.
         Oable  Co.'s Kingston Station to  vessels  withw a  radius of 300  wiles at a.  rate or  lOd.
          per word.  Vessels beyond this distance can be reached t.t increased rates.
           Cul.El RATEs.-Qrdinary.  'I Via  Bermuda/' "Via Bermuda lm.perial"  or ''Via Weu
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